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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. yawn. your little outbursts are sooo boring, little man. oh yea, coolness is oozing out of your ass.....
  2. Surprise - if you talk back to the border agent and yell at him, he'll delay you, and make your life suck. Takes a rocket scientist to figure out this outcome. How the fuck is he talking back? A douchenozzle border guard is having a pms attack and there is no excuse for him and the rest of the joker crew to be assholes for no reason whatsoever. A bullshit talk about terrorists..... Reminds me of the story, how 2 border guards did a strip search on a woman in Blain. Except they fucked with a wrong person- turns out she was a stuffer for one of the senators. Needless to say the heads rolled. Asshole at the booth is a public employee and is representing this country. He/she should leave the hissy fits at home and remember that they are the image of this nation. A deepsshit like that might be a hero to you, but not everyone in the US is an asshole- you are the minority. Definately you and assholes like you do not represent the best this place has to offer. Now fuck off.
  3. Looks like there is going to be massive legal action against Morgan Stanley and FB. I predict demise of both.
  4. Wecome to the US! [video:youtube]watch?v=P-AWBfxsL6k
  5. Just like the school you went to?
  6. Finally someone said how it is: here Love the part: "And this is perhaps the crux of the problem: Stacking causes on top of adventure is like dressing up porn and calling it art."
  7. ain't that the truth Canadians also claim Americans are nationalist zealouts (U.S.A! U.S.A!) but everytime I am in Canada, I can't help to notice the huge # of Canadian flags everywhere, on shirts, clothes, etc. as well as logos and signs announcing works/projects/etc funded by the Canadian gov't. Don't like it, then stay home. most definitely don't go and visit canada and then spray how bad it is.
  8. yes, you also sprayed along with kkk and fw how great the economy was doing in 2008 and how mcsame will win the elections. not only you were a great political expert, now you are an expert on advertising.
  9. The future of advertising is on-line video and mobile devices. FB advertising model will be extinct within 3-5 years.
  10. I agree 100%. However wall street fucks along backed by republifucks would not be able to raid pension funds and retirerment accounts so easy. Between 1999-2008 we witnessed the biggest robbery in the history of mankind and not really a single person did any time for that.
  11. TARP was issued under Bush, same with majority of the 13 trillion of the ZIRP money. Can't change legal agreements retroactively. Obama is guilty of not introducing heavy handed regulation of banks, but TARP and ZIRP was initiated and implemented under Bush.
  12. kind of like cc.com-except this consists mostly of douchebags.
  13. the irony of this is, that the only reason these banks are still in existance is because of the government bailout sponsored by tax payers. All these CEO's should be in prison, not running financial institutions. If drugs were a bit more profitable, they would be running drug cartels instead of financial institutions. These people should be jailed, not in position of decision making power.
  14. glassgowkiss


    Food fior kids is wasteful spending That is why I HATE republifucks.
  15. ... but only in private industry That only survived by the tax payer bailout and government handout.
  16. "I Believe I Can Fly" [video:vimeo]38595574
  17. Saw the "Old Breed" featuring local Steve Swenson. Best climbing vid I saw in a long time, a great story. NWO just shows why I stopped watching these thing (I am guilty of making a few myself). Showing a bunch of climbing shots with music doesn't really make a film.
  18. Posting picture as a reply to some else's post is on the same wave frequency as "like" button for a question that requires answer.
  19. I am on a filmmakers group on FB. Guy asks for info and contacts in Africa, asia for "fixer" info and driving company, which can make or brake production. Some deepshit presses "like" button. WTF? I mean what to "like" if a guy is asking about specific info!? Unless it's a rhetorical question pressing "like" button just proves you have no idea about language itself.
  20. Because they friggin lose bags! If I fly to LV for 3 days and my bag gets lost, I guess your climbing trip will turn into drinking and gambling trip pretty fast! Cost is another thing, but most of trips people book a flight are a week or under and if the bag gets lost your trip will turn to shit fast.
  21. The only issue you might have is your nut tool.
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