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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. glassgowkiss

    Flying Cat

    he needs to use bigger propeller to lift it up properly! My cats would require 3 foot spans, with 35 inches in length and 12 lbs weight.
  2. Kimmo STFU, do you even know the routes in question? Have you done them? Scarface is a 14a with a runout 11 slab finish and that finish bucked some hardy climbers in the past. If you are a chickenshit and have to clip next bolt while the last one is at your waist you will need to change your depends often. You don't get to climb 14a by sitting on your ass and playing video games or guitar. Training for stuff like that requires the same type of self motivation as competing in any sport. It would be like saying people can run marathon at 2:35- 2:40 because they have talent, which is bullshit. People run such times (good amateur) because they train enough, not because they have genetic superiority. It's the same with climbing. Most of people don't commit to such training, because it's hard and painful process, it's not because their bodies would not handle it. Comparing climbing to playing a guitar is bullshit as well. My advice would be to go and try a few 14a and then voice your opinion.
  3. now you're reducing the equation to the very subjective notion of "danger", which i think has little to do with "moral fiber" or "work ethic". Not everyone can climb 11 runout after climbing 14a, it takes enormous amount of training both physical and mental to get to that point. These guys do it, not because they are talented, but because they are committed. Vast majority of people on bb have no frigging clue to what it takes to get to that point. So props to these young guys! Of course the result are a related directly to "moral fiber" and "work ethics". And comparing playing a guitar to climbing hard just showed you are missing the point. Danger is not subjective- how many 40 ft falls have you taken?
  4. Messner is here, because as soon as the nonsense of collecting all 14 x 8000m peaks was over he never climbed again in the big mountains. His return was rather short lived and pathetic. Kukuczka was way more visionary and died trying one of hardest faces on big peak.
  5. not that i'm necessarily defending kevbone here, but your post raises some interesting questions about "performance", and doing "well" in anything one might do... firstly, it seems kevbone has a pretty high degree of proficiency with the guitar. i would think this would lead him to have some understanding of the processes involved in "mastery" (high skill level) of a particular medium of expression, right? i wouldn't dismiss him simply because he chimed in with a perhaps misunderstood comment. (btw, is it "spray" every time you play your guitar in front of somebody, kevbone?) secondly, is "moral fiber" really a requirement for "sports performance" of any kind? seems like too many counter-examples everywhere to even go here. and "work ethic"? isn't this a rather puritanical approach to "climbing", simply reducing it to two such criteria seemingly devoid of the fun and passion that might be the ideal driving forces in any endeavor we partake in? words words words. Well, climbing a run-out 5.11 slab after climbing a 14a section hardly compares to a "danger" of playing a guitar. I think playing guitar will never result in joint sparins and bone fractures, long falls can..... just saying...
  6. This has nothing to do with austerity, but it has everything to do with cash base economy. The reality on the ground is that the economy and politics in former soviet block are even more fucked then here. On outside everything looks great, but the reality on the ground is that people are barely squeaking by. Very few wester journalist comprehend details in that part of the world, so I call bullshit on the article quoted by KKK. He might claim understanding politics and economy there. The sad truth is that he is completely clueless fuck in that arena, on the same page as 99.9% of the folks here.
  7. Walker survived the recall, now I bet will be claiming the victory to his agenda. The fact that he had to go through the recall pretty much denies this claim.
  8. Kevbone doesn't have the moral fiber and work ethics to even comprehend the degree of hard work and commitment it takes to achieve such level of body/mind control.
  9. If you make an investment into public transit system it has to be big enough, efficient enough to be areal alternative to driving. Vast majority of cities in Europe you can move around faster and cheaper by using transit. Take Seattle- light rail from U-district to short of the airport? what genius thought about it? If I am flying from Sea-Tac and I have to drive from Bellingham to U-district, might as well drive to the airport. And where the fuck are you supposed to park in U-district? I spent entire 10 days in Chicago working a few years back and never had to rent a car. Both airports are serviced by train, and you can get from one point in town to another faster then on a crowded highway. The problem is that people don't think long term anymore and are preoccupied with quarterly profits only. I would like to see the statistics of all the accidents that happened and the total cost of emergency responses paid by a tax payers. I bet the sum would be astronomical.
  10. And this represents the pinnacle of stupid thinking. Now for one: why does it have to make directly money? Do fire departments, police also have to be profitable? And talking about losing money: how about our fucking military! now that is 680 billion dollars of waste. And how do you account in "losing money" category for asthma treatment, lung cancer, long term care for injured motorists, paying for response teams attending accidents several times a day? Who do you think pays for all of it dipstick?
  11. Way better then this movie: Steve's narration nearly made me vomit. It's funny how he is a pretty good guy when you meet him in person, but he portraits himself in the media so poorly.
  12. No wonder the rest of the world hates you: Bullte in their heads! this makes sense only in califuckingfornia. Fast train is polluting and unsafe. Driving in bumper to bumper traffic on a 7 lane freeway at 70 mph is safer and less polluting. GET A FRIGGIN CLUE!
  13. Netflix has a film about Hubers on Elcap- a great story. Tad too long for my liking, but some great cinematography and good story nevertheless.
  14. even more offensive at the crag then constant beta spewing, are the hugest tick marks on granite or volcanic rock. Like what? white chock on a dark rock is not enough to see where the holds are?
  15. I can agree with that. My wife works for a tribe in the South Sound, and any tribal member who wants to go to college gets a free ride. The tribe has maybe 850 enrolled members, from elders to babies, and at this time 58 are in college. Smartest thing that tribe can do with their money if you ask me. The US Govt. should be half as smart, but kids today face far more debt accumulation for the sake of their education than those of us who did college in the 70's and 80's. True that- a big rise in US economy post WW2 was GI bill and ability of low/rural folks to go to college. Strange, that the same "free loaders" are now the biggest teabag supporters.
  16. Friggin birhters and teabaggers..... bunch of whacked stupid fucks demending power- plain scary. And we worry about Taliban in Afghanistan? Forget it, we have teabaggers trying to turn clock two and a half century back.
  17. The difference is that Google essentially is an on-line library and allows ads to pay for other wise good service. FB is just a nice time waster, but has no real use, besides entertainment.
  18. Apparently all these companies like Enron, banks and such fuck-all industries were making money. They are "making money" because they say they are making money. The thing is none of this is real anymore. People should wake up to the fact that is is hype and bullshit. When you look at UPS or Apple- they have infrastructure and assets, and produce a physical product and deliver a service. A few servers doesn't make much of an asset. And "earning potential"?- well, just look what happened in 2000 market crash.
  19. it is another bubble. Gee- 40% value of what? servers? FB is good for selling hype and bullshit. I never click on any adds, my friends don't either. Honestly people should get a clue and look beyond hype. The same with jobs, that ended in 2008- everyone was drinking coolaid of bush era "growths"- which was fuck all production of a suburbia.
  20. The truth is ( and I did read all 3 of his books) that the guy is not safe, and seems to me gets in a lot of trouble. Having not one, but three or four serious accidents would not make me want to tie in on one rope with it. It's kind of strange he is still alive, but as a climber it makes him kind of a wanker nevertheless.
  21. we should send Hobbik to peru- a new book for sure. He is not a crevasse wanker, he is just a wanker.
  22. Just wanted to get your illustrious prediction on record so I can make fun of you later. Sure thing, I was wrong before. However any time Congress starts to investigate usually outcome is not so good.
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