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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. weather is too nice in utah to waste your time with bb and spray.
  2. Having a "conversation" with AssholePiss is like trying to clap with one hand. clap is what you get from your mom. Jestem glupi chuj i udaje, ze jestem madry, douchery
  3. you are sooo smart! Like the comment: look at me I live in a different country and I can communicate in a language they use. Did your arm get really big during your stay? Judging by the level of your intelligence most likely they would put Kai Green to shame. it's not relative- you are just a wanker.
  4. Ya got me. Wait wait! I want to ride the funny train with the Polish Bastard. Hmmm, how can I slightly modify his username with some bad words? Nothing too clever....I've got it! Your new name, senor, is AssholePiss. I wanted to go with Realdumbpieceoffeces, but that doesn't flow as well. Having a "conversation" with AssholePiss is like trying to clap with one hand. clap is what you get from your mom.
  5. Americans would pick crops for a decent wage. Since that's not offered, we just use slave-labor instead, and justify it with excuses! so where do you shop, your local farmers market? If not STFU, most people complain about the high cost. That is why they prefer to buy shit that is made in china and sold in wallmart. If you'd be about decent wage, you'd support unions. For now you are supporting republican pukes, who feed the public bullshit about no tax paying "job creators".
  6. all you know are two things: jack and shit, and jack just left town. Which part of "I am Polish" you don't get you fucking tosser? You really ain't too bright douchey if you don't know GK's nation of origin Fixed the right answer for you.
  7. I went drinking with a bunch of polish friends recently. I've never seen anyone drink vodka out of full-sized water glasses before. Hardcore. No, everclear would be better, vodka out of a normal glass- a normal tool for an average party. Nothing hardcore about it. Vodovka? Come on, guys, he is british. Abbot Ale - as good as it gets! There is no british: he is either english, welsh or scottish. ARTHUR: How do you do, good lady. I am Arthur, King of the Britons. Who's castle is that? WOMAN: King of the who? ARTHUR: The Britons. WOMAN: Who are the Britons? ARTHUR: Well, we all are. We are all Britons, and I am your king. WOMAN: I didn't know we had a king. I thought we were an autonomous collective.
  8. wow, I am impressed, you have managed to learn a foreign language! you think that makes you so special and intelligent? The only special was your ed and a short school bus with a hockey helmet. Okay, now I KNOW you're French Canadian. all you know are two things: jack and shit, and jack just left town. Which part of "I am Polish" you don't get you fucking tosser?
  9. You are brilliant and so knowledgeable! Asking a Pole if he is a french canadian! Do you even know where Poland is?
  10. wow, I am impressed, you have managed to learn a foreign language! you think that makes you so special and intelligent? The only special was your ed and a short school bus with a hockey helmet.
  11. Heard fox news was hiring, you can work as their chief investigator. And btw what was your status in mexico? and since you "lived there" did you establish legal residency, or are you like the rest 99% of americans, who complain about illegals here, but brake other countries immigration laws? Wow, you are truly awesome. Do you read your posts before you hit "submit"? I highly recommend it. I don't get the Fox news comment - we'll just chock it up to the fact that you're an idiot. I had a work Visa in Mexico. When I had a medical issue, I paid out of pocket. The doctor in the little town near my home only had one eye, but he knew exactly what to prescribe me after our spanish-only consultation. I had to self administer the 3 daily shots of antibiotics. That was a treat. The only thing I had to "brake" was the seal on the little bottle before I mixed the drugs and injected them with the 1 inch needle into my ass. Unless you can hang, please don't clutter up the thread with more stupidity. I know that's your thing. you are sooo intelligent! that is why you don't even get the comment about fox news. truly, superior intellect.
  12. with 70% of people obese or at least overweight there is no system that can sustain unhealthy majority. Are you surprised? Yes, it will take most of the budget to sustain such demographics. 70% times 300 million is 210 million. How much do 210 million bullets cost? I am sure china can supply them cheap.
  13. Oh yeah, defense spending is 700 billions a year, I don't hear too much complaining.
  14. with 70% of people obese or at least overweight there is no system that can sustain unhealthy majority. Are you surprised? Yes, it will take most of the budget to sustain such demographics.
  15. Heard fox news was hiring, you can work as their chief investigator. And btw what was your status in mexico? and since you "lived there" did you establish legal residency, or are you like the rest 99% of americans, who complain about illegals here, but brake other countries immigration laws?
  16. I'll argue with you just for the sake of conflict- I am polish, you should know better.
  17. hey douchery, you had to wait in the ER, feel so sorry for you, need some cheese with that? And how do you know they were here illegally? I know a few folks speaking spanish as first language, who also have US passport. maybe turning down stereotypes would serve you well. Besides, when sickness doesn't care about nationality and legal status. I am sure you are medically train to assess if they required medical attention or not. Obviously triage nurse did not think you are in danger and high priority either.
  18. Did I say picking crops is easy, it's not. That is why most of people will not do it, and that is why migrant workers are needed. That is why I am saying most of the retards voting republican are lazy, without any real skills, but they bitch and complain about hard working migrants.
  19. The other issue is the cost. My appendectomy 2 years ago was almost 20K, the most basic abdominal surgery, that very frequently done by a first year resident. One IV bag was 280 bucks! One night in a hospital bed was $14900 USD!
  20. OK, here we go, you brainwashed idiot. Let's do the math, I know it's hard to comprehend, but.... locally here: St Joseph hospital/ER collects about 42% of the charges. So it leaves 58% of the accounts unpaid. Most likely at least half of the paid accounts are Medicare/Medicaid. Whatcom County population is roughly 200K. There are no exact statistics, how many migrant workers and people without legal status reside here, but say 5-6K would be pretty high. Even if EVERY illegal person would seek ER services that would make about 3% at the most. So you have 55% of legal dirtbags seeking services, they can't pay for and stiffing tax payers with the bill. Now do you want to focus on 3% or on 55%? Oh yeah! Get all fired up about a perceived opinion instead of focusing on the simple question! You remind me of my girlfriend. I don't recall giving my opinion on the subject, but instead asking for others. How do you deduce that I'm brainwashed? Furthermore, even if your statistics are accurate, pointing to one larger wrong to justify another is a classic move if you actually have no ground to stand on. Well done. I understand that there will be a portion of our population that need help paying their medical bills. OUR population, as in citizens of the United States. It'd be nice to reduce the total number of our folks that can't afford to pay for health insurance, but it's impossible to eliminate that number completely. I'd rather not pay for citizens of other countries when it concerns their long-term health care - just adds to the financial burden. A deadbeat is a deadbeat, no matter what nationality. And fixing 55% is more important then fixing 1-3%, wouldn't you agree? Fixing a core issue is far more important then fixing some fringe problem. And I am just pointing out that you simply don't comprehend the issue at hand, which is unpaid accounts.
  21. Just pour some Robitussin on it! If you'd only held some aspirin my cock between your knees, none of this would have happened!
  22. I have a solution to the healthcare- shoot all the obese people to avoid paying for their food choices.
  23. OK, here we go, you brainwashed idiot. Let's do the math, I know it's hard to comprehend, but.... locally here: St Joseph hospital/ER collects about 42% of the charges. So it leaves 58% of the accounts unpaid. Most likely at least half of the paid accounts are Medicare/Medicaid. Whatcom County population is roughly 200K. There are no exact statistics, how many migrant workers and people without legal status reside here, but say 5-6K would be pretty high. Even if EVERY illegal person would seek ER services that would make about 3% at the most. So you have 55% of legal dirtbags seeking services, they can't pay for and stiffing tax payers with the bill. Now do you want to focus on 3% or on 55%?
  24. I went drinking with a bunch of polish friends recently. I've never seen anyone drink vodka out of full-sized water glasses before. Hardcore. No, everclear would be better, vodka out of a normal glass- a normal tool for an average party. Nothing hardcore about it.
  25. Americans will not clean toilets or pick crops, they are too lazy, even though a lot of them don't have any real employable skills. It's funny how people here oppose immigration, but don't mind better paying jobs moving to China or Indonesia.
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