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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. Last Saturday there was an accident on Angels's Crest on p7- resulting a broken ankle. They also refused the party after them to continue climbing to the top, and held them up on the ledge (top of p6) for over 3 hours for no real good reason. I know that people in pain don't have the best judgement, but they clearly created a total cluster fuck. For one additional people under a flying chopper is not a good idea, second- they forced people to rap into North Gully with a single rope. Kudos to Squamish SAR, speedy recovery to the injured. Just one request- next time don't bring your assclown shoes.
  2. If you think you can get that impacted cock out of your mouth using only chi massage and acupuncture, rather than surgery, go right ahead sunshine. I am sure you are an expert on this subject after having vast experience with duct taped chickens. I am also sure your velcro gloves would increase the friction of the grip during an attempt of removal.
  3. Even if you push bike up, it makes it worth for the way out.
  4. If you don't know the sources, what kind of "accounting" are you talking about? If you remove transparency, how do you avoid foreign money influencing elections? I think your approach is completely naive. It's the same argument of self regulating by banking industry- it simply never worked.
  5. which is nothing less then political money laundering. I would not be surprised also if it is a real money laundering for drug cartels and foreign intelligence services. Along with unsupervised "just meta-data" gathering it makes me feel like I am back in Poland 30 years ago.
  6. I wish people stopped giving medical advice over the internet, particularly the one who don't know jack shit about the subject and particularly people who are clearly wrong. And stop advocating for unnecessary and outdated surgery. I just was kicked off FB group for calling his bullshit.
  7. I think these organizations should not be tax exempt, regardless of the side of political spectrum.
  8. You are right 501c. But the fact remains they are just political organizations and should not be granted tax exempt status in any way shape and form. These guys are just abusing the system, and now they are distorting the truth about "being targeted".
  9. Another idiot with a show on Fox...... she should join with palin to produce "Americas stupidest network videos".
  10. Read Now why is only conservative groups are crying foul? And why should they be granted 503c status in the first place. Political organizations are for profit- period. It's not like they do charitable work. On that token let's grant every corporation 503c status.
  11. i am interested in some bike pictures and terrain picture for downhill biking.
  12. well and the most famous Tacoma Bridge: [video:youtube]j-zczJXSxnw
  13. Probably Rudy should speak up about it, since it's his field and he would be one of the most qualified people to talk about the subject. My thoughts are, that if one truck can collapse the bridge, it is an outdated design. It also could be a combination of the design, fatigue of the material and human error. Unfortunately looks like a loss of life is also involved.
  14. The last time this bridge was inspected was ...... 2010. Hardly a surprise, since this is one of the busiest stretches of highways in this state.
  15. my wife was on that bridge maybe an hour earlier.
  16. likely just utter lack of infrastructure maintenance. It is not the first time it have happened.
  17. shit doesn't get maintained, my wife was on that bridge an hour earlier. news
  18. Also I call bullshit on that one. I have two words for a clown who wrote this pile of crap: Henry Rollins.
  19. "I am not surprised with the conclusions of this study. Just look at Barack Obama. He is about at wimpy looking as Michael Jackson and probably could not punch his way out of a brown paper bag." Yes, Rush "the druggie" Limbaugh is a pure power pack. Any 5 year old could kick is fat ass.
  20. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10200164399696659&set=pcb.10200164401536705&type=1&theater
  21. My wife's Giant Glory and my Norco A-line were stolen in Whistler last night. If any of you guys find "too good to be true" deal, please let me know. We have serial # for Giant, filed police report with RCMP. They were pretty much worthless. Anyway, looks like 5K worth of gear went down the shitter. Hope asshole, who stole the bikes brakes his neck and is paralyzed.
  22. They are brand new, never used! $10 shipping or pick up in Bellingham. I'll post some pics later.
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