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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. I have a question regarding 10 center punches? So on that token if I drop down 1000m on N Face of Shuksan and drop off a 50m on Shuksan arm- do they count the same? However in general tend to see now ski movies a border line snuff films.
  2. Rainier Now with ski season approaching fast this is mandatory read for all backcountry users: Danger rating chart "Someone who randomly center punches 10 slopes per day in terrain rated as Moderate Danger is roughly the same risk as whitewater kayaking or skydiving (but still much less dangerous than riding a motorcycle). Center punching 10 slopes per day in terrain rated as Considerable Danger has roughly the same risk as base jumping, which is considered to be one of the world’s most dangerous sports and one with a notoriously short expected lifespan for regular participants. Doing the same in terrain rated as High Danger is one of the most dangerous activities in the world besides climbing above 8,000 meters." No wonder extreme upper end skiers/snowboarders are dying like flies (kind of reminds me of 80's and early 90's high altitude climbers).
  3. Life on Earth requires 2 ropes to rap, but there a new line on W face, you can rap from the summit with one 60m rope and deposits you on the saddle W of Habrich. Then it's just a matter of hiking a good trail down. This route is called Escape Velocity, it's overrated and overbolted, but it cuts down on clutter of having 2 ropes.
  4. prtect children, protect the Necronomicon…..
  5. Smith can also suffer from freezing fog for days at that time of the year, and if that is the case you are s.o.l.
  6. Jtree can be cold and windy- some of the crags in Jtree are above 5000ft. Vegas has a slew of climbing besides Red Rocks. There are a couple of dozen crags within 1 hour drive ( mostly limestone), a lot of them have fair amount of sun, and they are also at relatively low elevation. Jtree to Red Rocks is more like 4.5 hour drive, I have done it several times, and unless you are severely braking speed limit there is no way in hell making it in 3 hours (google maps can confirm my drive time). There are crags around St George UT as well- St George is about 90 minutes from Vegas. There is a guide book for the crags around Vegas: http://www.amazon.com/Islands-sky-guidebook-climbing-limestone/dp/1873341318 I would not recommend Canmore in January for ice- short days, can be brutally cold. Probably Vegas gives you the most options- sport climbing, longer routes if it's sunny/no wind, plus January is their low season, so you can find hotel rooms for about $30/night mid week.
  7. Hahaha, yes Rudolph Jr. The comp was held in New Caledonia.
  8. I want to congratulate Drew Ruana for his second place in Youth Climbing World Championships. US climbers did really well, Kai Lightinger took Gold, and Drew is bringing Silver (Youth B category). Way to go!!!!
  9. Is there a guidebook or some online info regarding routes around Marcus and China Bend? I was thinking about heading there for a few days this fall. Also is there truck camping?
  10. There is much less snow now, compared to the pic from Aug 6th.
  11. Can you rap down Buckingham Route (easy way) on Snowpatch Spire with a single 70m? Thanks!
  12. Actually if you bothered to look up the source, countries like India, China, Brazil, Indonesia among many made a huge progress in their development. I would not consider India as fat and rich, but they are making headway, while US seems like is going backwards. I also know this is a complex issue, and social aspect (fat and lazy) plays a huge role. But the economic policies started already under Reagan are also partially to blame.
  13. US is ranked now #43 in the world, great job conservatives! "A closer look at the trends shows Canada actually did better than last year, but other countries such as Japan and Australia improved at a greater rate. When the numbers are adjusted for gender inequality, Canada slumps to 18th place. The United States fares even worse -- sinking from third to 42nd place." Great Job!
  14. [video:youtube]34AZfbygcy4
  15. glassgowkiss

    Blame Obama

    Don't you republifuck retards realize that by blaming Obama for plane being shot down by russians is utterly stupid, and just makes you looks like a bunch of nuts? Actually it doesn't make you look stupid- you are stupid as fuck.
  16. That's what your mom said last night.
  17. Ah, so they are a different kind of asshole than you are Bob? Pointing out a bad behavior makes me an asshole?
  18. Bob, I bet you can redpoint Aborigine next go, man. I heard it got brushed and everything. Well, maybe it will take a few more tries, but it will go. I am sure if I can't send Aborigine, I can probably redpoint your mom? I have heard she is into drytooling too.
  19. OMG! Somebody added two bolts to a cliff at Index?! Isn't that sort of like right underneath Angora Grotto? We should all be very incessed as climbers have been such an amazing steward of the rocks there. It's not about bolts itself, but about the whole idea of commercial entity going there for profit and working without securing proper permits in the first place. 2 bolts were added in the middle of 5.7 slab above the tunnel, and only because climbers stepped in, more bolts in Zoom area did not go in the very same day. I think this can open floodgates to commercial activity in the future, something most of us would rather not see.
  20. To answer your 4 questions: #1- what's your point? #2- I think you have reading comprehension difficulties #3- yes I did. I spent about 25 minutes brushing Aborigine on my way down- so stfu. #4- are you THIS DUMB?
  21. WA Climbing Coalition needs to talk to local businesses and local cops. The same exact sheit was happening about 10 years ago or so. It's in local businesses best interest not to have high theft. Usually cops have a pretty good knowledge about the identity of purps. BTW, there is no safe area at Index. In the past car theft and vandalism occurred even in town, camps sites up the road are not any safer at all. Smash and grab of 10 cars requires more then one person, most likely 2-3 people. So any attempts to guard your cars when a train is passing by must be done by at least a few people. If the cops do nothing the only remedy will be hiding in the bushes and using golf clubs.
  22. It was a humid day, and I almost fell of 2 times on Aborigine, as my hand started sliding of a relatively good hold. Then I looked around. There were 2 other parties, and none of the 4 climbers even had a brush with them. WTF? People who do not brush these routes are just plain assholes.
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