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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. Those of us in the private sector had our last cost of living raise--never. Typically, we get pay increases based on performance. Maybe you should think about dumping that union of yours. Sounds like they're standing in the way of good pay for good teachers. Why can't you understand a concept of private AND public sector? WTF is wrong with you? Are you really THAT stupid? Want to live in private sector country only?- move to Somalia- where there is no functional government. See how you like them apples then?
  2. My friend recommended this: http://www.gofundme.com/t2t99hkg Seth recommendation is rock solid. He guided in Nepal on several occasions, he knows people there and from there, he is a personal friend and I trust his judgement. NGO's, like any other institution have overhead. Provided link will be used 100% for relief. What people need is cash: to start rebuilding process, to buy immediate supplies and to cover medical costs.
  3. Yeah, all the disgruntled stoners will suddenly get off the couch and march in the streets LOL 4000 pissed off (mainly) libturds managed to encircle the state capitol on Saturday...perhaps they just had an extra big bowl of Wheaties that morning? Yes, demanding tax increases for 30,40,50 thousand dollar a year workers so 60,70,80 thousand dollar a year teachers can get a bigger pay raise makes a lot of sense. As usual, your factual accuracy is rather lacking. Starting salary for a teacher in Seattle area is 37,775, while median salary is 57,717. Seattle area median income is 67,479 in 2013. So wtf are you talking about?
  4. Well, if you just worked harder, then you could afford shit. Now you are just presenting yourself as a complaining cunt, waiting for a handout.
  5. and how much was b-ho's deficit? you seem to have omitted that... Obummers was Inherited but in case no one has told you the economy is recovering and it's a little early to be worried about who is running for POTUS inherited. LOL typical libtard rationalization. Quoted you real numbers. Are you THAT stupid and do not understand what they mean?
  6. Could we start some form of donation gathering through CC.com for the earthquake victims in Nepal? The scope of devastation is pretty grim, and the monsoon season is approaching fast.
  7. And maybe for once we can get together as a community and help in some real and meaningful way. How about we start a donation? This goes way beyond climbing. From the information we are getting now, not only Katmandu was effected, but entire small villages were pretty much wiped off the map. Monsoon will be there is a months.
  8. and how much was b-ho's deficit? you seem to have omitted that... If you would do a little internet search, you would not be asking this stupid question, you indoctrinated moron. The numbers are not that complicated. Last fiscal year had 474 billion deficit. Last year of Bush presidency had 686 billion. 1998 to 2001 US had actual surplus, starting with 69 billions in 98 and ending with 236 in 1999. There were only 2 other years since end of WWII (1960-0.3 billion and 1969 3billion) of budget surplus. Bush inherited surplus, but it went to deficit already in 2002, in sum of 158 billion. In 2005, his deficit was 318, and it reached a peak in 2009, when TARP payments were due, reaching 1.1 trillion USD. So maybe you should shut the fuck up about "fiscal conservatism", because as you see Republifucks are really good at wrecking up a debt.
  9. I would really caution against climbing this route in warm conditions. The snow slope above the narrow start is quite large, and any avalanche off that slope will go through the narrow section of the start of route. Consequences of such avalanche would be catastrophic. Even a belay below the crux pitch is not safe.
  10. This is why we don't want our doctors to be owned and paid by bureaucrats. Down here. The difference is that the government bureaucrats have to follow rules, while insurance company bureaucrats don't.
  11. When I moved to Bellingham in 200, there were two parking enforcement officers, now there are 6. So the system has to pay for itself. I just had to pay a ticket in Sumas. It has population of 1300. Please explain, why Sumas has to have it's own Police, Court and a Prosecutor office? There are 6 cops! WTF? So you create this bureaucracy, and then you have an "uncle Viny" with a badge try to catch Canadians. There are also revenue cuts. But having 6 cops, own court and a prosecutor's office I see as plain fucking ridiculous. Most likely they could sniff an asshole a mile away. I am 100 100% sure you are talking from your own experience. You are one of those people cutting cheese in a crowded room, and asking who let the whiff out!
  12. So, you vote Democrat because of the great job LBJ and McNamara did in Vietnam? those weren't blunders FW . Really can you compare the 4000 dead in Iraq to the 50000+ Americans KIA in Vietnam? come on now, take your blinders off! GWB was the worstest president ever! His foreign policy blunders are clearly far beyond those of anyone else - especially any Democrat! You can't compare death ratios in Vietnam and Iraq, because of advances in emergency medicine. Besides, Iraq is not over. There are 2 suicides per day committed by returning vets. And this is a statistics nobody wants to discuss. On the top, tell us how many WIN are there and how many of them are severely disabled. Simply people who lost limbs and had these types of wounds did not have a chance to survive in a humid jungle, where they simply died from sepsis, before they were able to deliver them to a medical facility. So what you presented with your statement is a totally distorted picture, so you can promote your agenda. In the meantime, you just extended your middle finger to all those, who served there. Good job, asshole.
  13. When I moved to Bellingham in 200, there were two parking enforcement officers, now there are 6. So the system has to pay for itself. I just had to pay a ticket in Sumas. It has population of 1300. Please explain, why Sumas has to have it's own Police, Court and a Prosecutor office? There are 6 cops! WTF? So you create this bureaucracy, and then you have an "uncle Viny" with a badge try to catch Canadians. There are also revenue cuts. But having 6 cops, own court and a prosecutor's office I see as plain fucking ridiculous.
  14. When you look at the statistics, there is a racial bias, but it doesn't mean overreach of police isn't effecting white lower and middle class as well. And this is the crux of the issue- we are diving this issue into categories, but it might effect everyone at some point. Like unjustifiable traffic fines. WTF is this crap, where 80% of the traffic fines are about speeding, while actual access speed causes only a small portion of actual motor vehicle collisions. Hence most of the traffic speeding citations are not about making roads safer, but it's about easy and indisputable in court revenue source for municipalities and counties. There are documented cases, where the cities or counties have over 20% of their revenue based upon traffic citations. That boils down to basic extortion by these entities, where cops are nothing but an "uncle Viny" with a badge. This establishes farther conduct of "acting with impunity", which basically leads at the end to crap like deaths upon arrest.
  15. Like Condoleeza Rice? Like Carly Fiorina? Condoleeza Rice= Iraq part two. Sorry, but she was was one of the most incompetent secretary of the state, period. As we can see now, her foreign policy was a clear disaster.
  16. FW, for one, we can agree on one topic. For starters taking away monetary aspect of tickets, fines and caesuras. Said assets could be spent only on charity and school project, not bonuses for cops.
  17. read I think there is areal problem how police works, and what methods are used. These incidents are now a weekly norm. Police in these cases acts like thugs with badges. It starts with traffic and arrest quotas, because it establishes this type of culture. It looks to me police is becoming an extortion tool for cities and counties to extort cash out of ordinary folks. In the meantime these incidents will be on the rise.
  18. I saw this a few years back. Probably most of the time this will be buried (mostly) under a lot of snow. Good job of snagging FA.
  19. Dude, get off them drugs or move to spray. If you are referring to Stacy Moon, his accident has nothing to do with Raynauds. As far as I remember they were on Stuart and were caught in a pretty bad storm. He had ordinary frostbite due to exposure, which has absolutely zero to do with Raynauds syndrome. BTW, Stacy is still kicking around, skiing and flying (not doing much climbing anymore) and working for BP at Cherry Point.
  20. Things are proven to help with altitude climbing: Cardio-vascularly fit person will adopt fairly quickly A healthy and cardio-vascularly fit person will adopt quickly Better to spend your money on diet, training and proper length of the trip, rather on some latest and greatest hypoxic chambers, tents or masks- which when looked in scientific terms offer no real benefit. Like with training for climbing (best method of improving your climbing is to do a lot of climbing and push your limits), the best method of training for altitude is spending time at altitude.
  21. New climbing routes as well, if the wall reopens. For now there is a huge chance of more major rockfall, as the impact of 1000 cubic meters of granite crashing onto more rock, most likely destabilized other large flakes. Looks like Yukon Gold had also major collapse (a few minutes before the main collapse), whole "Chilkoot Pass" exit is no longer there, 10b (second to last pitch of The Calling is partly gone, and upper part of 12a pitch is covered in debris. Most likely bolts on that pitch have to be replaced.
  22. Timberline is just shy of 6 000 ft, I think that elevation would not make much of a difference, as usually human body is not greatly effected by altitude till about 9000-10000 ft level. It would definitely make for inconvenient commute, with very little of a real benefit.
  23. Seems like there is news about a major rock fall around Alaska Highway- Calling area. Apparently about 100x150ft section near the top collapsed, taking out entire slope below, from Northern Gully (trail to Angels Crest was apparently obliterated) to the east. Hundreds of trees are just smashed, pretty much opened the slope below the wall. Most likely it would be a wise idea not to venture into this part, as more rockfall is a possibility in such situations.
  24. You have to step off the summit block to get to rap anchor.
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