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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. functional, but weak and unfit. some stuff still hurts a bit, but making some progress.
  2. oh rudy get outside from time to time
  3. what if i want to do multiple routes in a day?
  4. talking about youself you dush bag? or you pull that shit being pissed off about another lost gerbil in your ass? but remember you felch master it's better to be pissed off then pissed on you golden shower lover
  5. can't write anyway. my point is it is up to the slow party to let the people pass. like i said, don't pull a wanker argument- you have no ground to stand on.
  6. what happen to ascentionist? i have to brake a promise and start posting here again. i am addicted to spray.
  7. rudy, don't argue like a certified wanker.
  8. being slow doesn't mean you have to be a dumb ass dick and block everyone behind. and learning to climb is also learning when to bail. if you don't know how to route find and climb a milti pitch i don't think a popular multi pitch route is a good place to practice on a weekend. i, for one have as much right to climb over slow party as they right to be slow. and endlesly wait behind slow moving dill weeds on a route any competent party can climb in 2-3 hours i can hardly call "fun".
  9. most likely they will be flying in around 25th of july, but not sure yet, as the tickets are not purchased yet.
  10. a couple of my friends need a ride to the bugs late july. anybody with space pls contact me robert at robertrogoz dot com. thanks
  11. due to the fact that post are being constantly removed from this web site (even in spray) i will no longer visit here or check my mail. i am happy to keep answering any questions (which are quite frequent) on soft tissue injuries via my regular email. robert at robertrogoz dot com.
  12. for removing pages and pages of spray. moderate your ass dildo.... most likely afraid of your own shadow.
  13. u see that's the problem with nymph porn starz- they never have enough.
  14. oh my goodness that almost made my muffy wet
  15. so don't surf at work. anyway- if you had a decent job you would not need to surf the net, right? surfing the net at work is like climbing- your own fucking responisbility.
  16. http://skoften.net/link.php?id=849
  17. here is quote from "climbing" hot flashes section: morons don't know what flash and on sight is. maybe if they visited a crag from time to time they would notice a big difference. ignorace of this publication is horrible
  18. so can my friends get a ride? they will be flying in around 25th of july
  19. glassgowkiss


    10yo mead! fuck man, i am driving over wed to squamish. i am stoping over on my way back. pm me how to get to your house.
  20. friggin guided peak bagin'shit. sorry, but there is no substance to this crap at all.
  21. sorry, what a load of turd. both in sex and climbing
  22. check your email. my new tel # 360.927.4861
  23. http://info.onet.pl/1091403,69,item.html according to "Komsomolskaja Prawda" drinking alkohol on daily basis creates new nerve cells. according to this paper there is some study done in sweeden on this subject matter. so the conclussion of the article drinking creates new nerve cells, hence increasing inteligence. fucking brilliant science! i am amazed. this could be only created on the soil that raised Wieniaczka. i am heading to get some booze right now. i won't be stupid polak no more!
  24. so what's your point? first of all the policy and politics were not as expansionist as during soviet era. just look at the friggin map and compare. second- nobody was pretending that it was a democracy. it's like trying to compare british empire of the 19th century and modern england. times have changed. and for some odd reason russia was exporting food before the revolution. like i said- apples and orages. and i don't see monuments of any tzar on city streets.
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