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Everything posted by adventuregal

  1. Umm... Muffy... using the word 'gives' in that statment gives it a different connotation than you might want. Perhaps Trask 'sends' good pms would be more appropriate...
  2. If he sends that kind of stuff, and your posts are way worse than his most of the time, then I can just imagine what most of your PMs entail, Trask...
  3. Necro?
  4. I agree. But in a good way, Minx! Another vote for Muffy here Trask cuz that's my reaction to most of his posts! Erik... he always uses this one!? Cpt. Caveman. or Dru... cuz I never know what the hell he's talking about... Cracked. Too many to name me today cuz there is snow on the ground!!!!!
  5. I would think that that a sauna may not be the best plan for warming up. It increases the blood flow to your skin so it can cool. I think this would be taking away blood flow to your muscles. I can not see a sauna increasing blood flow to muscles, as would happen during a regular warm up like a jog, etc. Which is what you REALLY need before a workout....
  6. David, all I can say is that is totally great you taught your son yourself. I don't have any kids so maybe I have no business posting this, but... I would recommend a class/lesson over teaching you child yourself. I guess it may depend on the sport and the parent, but during my summers of teaching windsurfing, I have witnessed SO MANY battles between kids and parents of all ages if the parent tries to teach the kid. So just be forewarned... rather than pushing your kid, it might be best to let someone else do the work. They may listen better and not feel pressured to please you. Just another opinion! And like pretty much everyone has said... fun comes first, skills come second. Good luck!
  7. I still haven't met you yet, Muffy!!! I personally like a little bit of anonimity on the internet. Because I mean, really, who knows what kind of people are on the other end of the screen? I guess on a site like this, where many people know eachother in person, its not such a big deal. But I still try to keep the details of my real life to myself. Tho I always use my real name with PMs... so I suppose I am contradicting myself... Who knows?!
  8. Impressive!!!
  9. adventuregal


    So did they win??
  10. THANKS!!!!
  11. My dog keeps eating my soap whenever my roommate leaves the bathroom door open. Little shit.
  12. We can always start...
  13. adventuregal


    Your avatar pic looks just like Timm@y's... Yer confusing me!! Can't ya get a new one?
  14. No snow here.
  15. I like the Stick Shifts and Safety Belts song...
  16. I just made it up.. it is a majic pill that sorts the good eggs (men) from the bad ones So how do you tell if they're good or bad?? Do the men change colors after they take the pill or something??
  17. Ehmmic... shouldn't you be by now??!!
  18. adventuregal

    Madam Opal

    Madame... Why is it that I love chocolate yet insist on taking the chocolate coating off of a Butterfinger before I eat it??
  19. No hate!!! I love you all!!!
  20. Cheap ass. Don't you know $10 is the minimum for Birthdays??
  21. Have a great day, Ehmmic!!!!!
  22. adventuregal


    Except for mine of course... For real... congrats on finding the perfect woman for ya!
  23. adventuregal


  24. adventuregal


    If you invite one cc.commer, don't you think it's only good ettiquette to invite the rest of us?? I can just see it now... "Honey, this is my uncle Trask"...
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