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Everything posted by adventuregal

  1. adventuregal


    Today in MN was honestly the MOST BEAUTIFUL fall day I have ever witnessed... Perfect temps with a bit of a breeze from the lake, vibrant colors, and that fall smell in the air. I have been walking around in awe all day long... I love the fall!!!!!
  2. Ahh... good. I see it is the monthly "beware of relationships" thread... Was wondering when one of these was gonna come up again...
  3. Studying!!!
  4. Carolyn isn't a poor college student... If someone buys me a plane ticket, I'm there!
  5. Have fun everyone!!!!
  6. Aall Quall??
  7. Hell yeah, Tapiola is the place!!! And I thought I was gonna die last time I raced at Suicide! Hi Yoopers!
  8. Da Yoopers !
  9. Don't you need bigger boobs than that to work at Hooters too??
  10. Climb at Beacon Rock!! There are some great hikes in the Columbia river gorge if you find a trail not overrun by tourons. But they're probably thinning out now. Besides, if you go more than 2 miles then you'll be by yourself anyways!! They only go to the closest waterfall possible and then turn around... Go to Hood River. Only an hour away. Good beer there. Learn to windsurf!!! or kiteboard!! Have fun!
  11. Wesley Willis also had a song entitled something to the effect of, "I Love Mullets"...
  12. Mashed potatoes?! I am jealous!!!!!! I only get those on Holidays...
  13. adventuregal


    A snaffle just went by my window clinging to the screen?!?! I think he got some bad snaffle vibes from you guys.... cuz he took off real quick!
  14. http://miva.sctimes.com/miva/cgi-bin/miva?CMN/Local/read.mv+20030924145517+20+20
  15. At Roccori High School in Cold Spring, MN. 1 kid died, 1 seriously injured. My best friend graduated there, her brother is a student there, her dad teaches there. YUCK.
  16. From the subject, I thought you were talking cyber sex!!!
  17. Don't forget to smile! And laugh. Spend time with the ones you love. And be happy. Don't take shit so seriously. It's the internet. Get over it.
  18. Or you could just remove the picture. Not for my sake, I know enough not to look again, but for some other poor soul who happens to read this thread...
  19. Yuck Lummox. Did we really need to see that?
  20. adventuregal


    I have the most fun popcorn popper in the world. Problem is, I always make the same old thing. Just oil and salt. Don't get me wrong, it is GREAT. But any ideas on ways to have a little variety in my popcorn??
  21. I love Dave Barry!!
  22. Erik, the SAME EXACT thing happened to me today! Except I was the car behind. Don't worry tho, I didn't honk.
  23. That was the cutest TR I've ever read, Timmay... Almost got tears in my eyes.... Sounds like a great weekend!
  24. I wouldn't blow off strength training if I were you. The more muscle you have, the more energy (ie. fat) your body will need and thus burn at rest.
  25. My old roommate used to leave her gear in her backpack(even tho she hardly ever climbed...) when she went to the library and then leave it visible under the table to try and attract men... Another one I've heard of: climbing rope to pull a car out of the ditch.
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