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Everything posted by adventuregal

  1. Hello!!! I'm just curious if there's climbing close to Hood River? I'll be out there again this summer working, and am super stoked to check out the climbing in the area.... assuming there is some? I just started climbing this winter in the gyms of Minnesota and cannot wait to be on real rock! I'll be heading West as soon as I'm done with school, which will be early May and will be around through August. If anyone in the area is looking for a climbing partner during the summer, please let me know!!! I would love to go! This damn sport is so addictive it has forced me to post this 3 months before I will even be in town. I am simply living in anticipation of the sweet summer to come. Thanks!!!
  2. Hi All! I'll be back in Hood River working this summer, and was curious if anyone knows of any rooms or houses for rent. I'm looking for May - August. I teach windsurfing, but am soooo stoked to do some climbing also. I started climbing this winter in the gyms of Minnesota and cannot wait to get outside!! So if anyone around HR is looking for climbing partners, let me know please! Or mountain biking partners. Love that too! And yeah, about that housing stuff. (Sorry, I tend to digress. ) I'm open to just about anything. I just need a place to crash and park my truck! I'm a 21 year old student. Non-smoker, no pets. I know more people looking for housing also, so I may be interested in a whole house. If anyone knows of anyplace opening up, I would be SOOOOO grateful! Thanks!
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