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Everything posted by NYC007

  1. so when?? did it happen??
  2. of all the sweet gear out there you want this....
  3. yeah I know I was drunk again..oops
  4. DMM will be releasing theirs soon. suppose to be the same as HB. But HB used Jewlery makers to make them.
  5. Anyone up to head up to canada friday come back early monday or late sunday? Maybe Gib wall and Haffner.. Not picky though.
  6. The UK guide books, Vol 1 and 2 I have found the best for Chamonix they are by Lindsy Griffin you can get them at Chelser books (sp?) plus there are the OHM's (High mtn offices) and guide offices where you can get Topos of other routes and current condtions
  7. ditto that. The First day out I actually grease off something...But they work fine now. I think
  8. might be easier to find the grivel version. THe whippets seems hard to come by
  9. Check this out, it help a F@#K load. Its Beevs Crossfit Archive: http://www.crossfit.com/discus/messages/20/15038.html This may go against what said but oh well: http://www.crossfit.com/discus/messages/3499/7712.html
  10. as read on crossfit, it is meant mostly for athletes. So it should be done in conjuction with what ever it is you do , here it is climbing. But you can tailor the WO's to fit your training and to work you weaknesses. There is nothing stating that we have to do the suggested WOD each day and follow the site. You can put together a Chipper workout which is 5-10 things you put together say 50 pull ups, 21 thrusters, 21 kettlebells swings and so on. So call it Fire and forget. But again I just may have a different view on things but I hope this helps.
  11. thats one of the pics I was thinking of. Dave if you add some climbing tape underneath were the trigger will sit it might sit better on the tool. I know someone with them I will give them a call and see how they rigged em.
  12. From pics its looks like House has them mounted on his Alp Wings teamed with the double spring leash
  13. sounds like a bunch of us were up there..
  14. I believe its one size. We will have them but they have not been offically released yet. This one wont fog up either.. I am waiting for the one w/o the shield..COMFY
  15. Taa-K-oons Racing Wings 1 40cm Bulldog.. G-14 BD Contact I think that may be it.........dunno
  16. I have seen the Black (large) triggers on the quarks.
  17. thanks alot. Thats what I was looking for. May be looking at moving there in the near (maybe) future.
  18. its a NICE helment the cageless version is the most comfortable helmet I have worn.
  19. Thats not the worst of it..
  20. Anyone up for a dash up north this friday and come back sunday late or early monday??
  21. This is my first time seeing these backpacks.. http://www.cilogear.com/packs/packs.html
  22. Joe I go to Golds Gym to do mine and sometimes home. I met someone I think if from CDA. Maybe we can put something together once and a while. I can give you his name just give me a call.
  23. Looks great dan, alot cleaner look then prior not that it looked dirty at all..
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