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Everything posted by NYC007

  1. Looking to get out. Would like ice but just want to get out.
  2. I saw some across from the road looked in but low angle
  3. I just wore my helmet with a name tag on it....
  4. I was sitting at the table near the door
  6. triple is looking phat....
  7. see ya at 5..
  8. what time 4, 5, or 6??? any input??
  9. Fri. 7pm at Rose and Crown. how does that sound??
  10. There was a few thin gully above the lake filled with ice, nothing too great but its ice.. One looked like alot of fun thought about 30m thin slab next to a right facing corner..
  11. any suggestions on where??
  12. anyone game maybe Friday Night?? It seems like there may be alot of us up there
  13. GOT IT..
  14. Anyone up for some alpine, Eldo, Hood,,up for anything. sat-sun.
  15. check out the beal ice lines, nice cords. They are marketed that they can be used both ways.
  16. the thought that the CFBP's swing felt more natural, then the funky cobras
  17. blacked out...
  18. most rope companys and testers give a five year suggestion to retire your ropes. thats why they all have the made date on them.
  19. Tech wings ROCK. Very effertless swing, the head to shaft weight is perfect. The Quarks are a lil light in the head which takes more effert to swing in harder ice, the shaft on the cobra are big for people with little hands.
  20. call the wardens, might not be in.
  21. yup
  22. Ice was great last year, well on the East side it was
  23. I think martin was talking about a different Joe.
  24. Alp wings, alpha ti's, shrikes on sierra trading post.
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