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Everything posted by chirp

  1. Drank my own urine inadvertantly when I worked at Devils Tower in 1987, seemed pretty basic and it would have definitely benefitted from a Crystal Light packet or two.
  2. chirp


    Bahh no one there! cest la vie cya all tomorrow!
  3. chirp


  4. peshastin
  5. chirp


    Most of us are not so fortunate as to be able to afford a "second" junker car. God damn boy, you are a crying baby today or is that a permanent thing with you. You better go get a towel to wipe up the tears. LOL look whos the perfunctory "tough guy" now . Emphasis on perfunctory...image is everything...now get yoursef down to Vantage and make yourself useful! What the fuck you talking about boy? Are you on DRUGS!
  6. chirp


    Most of us are not so fortunate as to be able to afford a "second" junker car. God damn boy, you are a crying baby today or is that a permanent thing with you. You better go get a towel to wipe up the tears. LOL look whos the perfunctory "tough guy" now . Emphasis on perfunctory...image is everything...now get yoursef down to Vantage and make yourself useful!
  7. chirp


    Most of us are not so fortunate as to be able to afford a "second" junker car.
  8. chirp


    LOL was JUST there...I logged in as you logged out! /sigh well ill go see if EQ is working
  9. chirp


    Well I for one wasnt assuming a "toughguy" stance, most of us arent fortunate enough to live in Alaska like you where the "Men are proud, the women are good looking and the children are above average". We have to contend with attempting to pacify ourselves with the illusion fairness, justice, and the ability to observe the un-observable. Ad Rem Adsum "To the purpose I am present"
  10. LOL people. They make me
  11. I first did the Subway in Zion in 1983 and it was pretty obscure...fast forward to the summer of 1999 and during PEAK days it was seeing upwards of 300 people per DAY! The Park then made a 50 person limit per day in 2000, not counting the folks that blew off the permit, thats still WAY too many folks for a fragile "wilderness" environment. The ticket then is the obscure trips like shhh...Right fork of North cr. or technical monstrosities like Heaps or Imlay. But "joe bag of doughnuts canyoneer" is still gonna head to Subway and well...thats kinda sad unless he is prepared to be as respectful as a parishoner entering a church
  12. chirp


    OH and for those of us so inclined...heres a GREAT link source to make your own! Emultion tech Home made fish emultion thread
  13. chirp


    We dont want to kill anyone...but like I say a little fear goes a long way...and fish emultion is nasty stuff.
  14. chirp


    IMHO, taking the "proper" route to thwart criminals, especially "petty" criminals such as they seem to be viewed by those in power is good, but until peeps start "biting" back then and only then I believe the criminals will begin to take notice. I can believe I am saying this but; at this point "crime does pay" and I am just about over being tolerant to a subculture that has little respect for others rights. I am not a violent person, in fact most will agree I am one of the most patient people in the world. BUT I am devious and fed up, as we should ALL be. I vote we all get a little more proactive, look peeps in the eyes, stop and ask strange folks (non climber looking) how they are doing and can we help them? The more they know we are aware of them, the less comfort they will have. Take licenses, pictures, wave, linger, and let em know were watching. AND perhaps have us a little western justice
  15. chirp


    I'm sensing the makings of a great TR!! Perhaps arm ourselves with clubs and pepper spray and a vid camera...we all head off climbing then circle back and wait... Dont forget the bottle of fish emultion to pour on to the subdued thief and into his bleeding wounds! Anyone for a fun "climbing" weekend? We could use walkie talkies and everything!
  16. Hey Griz! Thanks and no I havent . There is so much killer slot canyon in UT/AZ that it would keep anyone busy for a LONG time. Check out this link for an awesome reference for Utah slots: Toms Canyoneering page
  17. Link to a few of my slot images from when I lived in Vegas. Chirps Image board/canyoneering
  18. chirp


  19. ya better check yer facts there kido. there have been so many artists and musicians and actor and dnacers thew out history who have smoked. Yes I know it is unhealthy, and that is why I quit. I have kids and I want to be arround when they have kids. But do not let todays advertising sway you to believe something that isn't true. Drinking is not healthy for you either. and it can contribute to your demise. are we going to let advertising and tv campaings tell us what we think so that we can persicute our neighbors if they do not live like us? Yup, most euro climbers et al smoke. I wasnt denoting a specific demographic but merely expressing my general view of someone who lights up in regards to my personal perspective as a youth who grew up in a smoke filled home. Smoking is alot like organised religion; people who need to belong to some sort of support team. IMHO If you can kick the habit, then more powah to ya! Kiddo?? sheesh OH and Lummox this is for you...graphic and disturbing!
  20. lol, IMHO: smoking(ers) = white trash, trailer park WARNING: Graphic and disturbing
  21. Looks disturbingly like Michael Jackson...
  22. Whoa! We aint just talking gumnuts here... I got the gumnutblendersybians ...."that aint dirty is it John?"
  23. Psy trance Infected Mushroom - The Gathering Hallucinogen - The Lone Deranger Shpongle - Tales of the Inexpressible Saafi Brothers - Midnight Children, Mystic Cigarettes Future Sound of London - Lifeforms, ISDN, The Isness Yahel - Waves of Sound Xerox and Freeman - Human Race California Sunshine - Flying Eye Land Hara Gobi - Party Junkies
  24. chirp

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