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Everything posted by chirp

  1. AlpineK, you are an arborist, which is an art and skill that involves pruning trees and clearing safety hazards. (good guys) Weyerhauser is a full scale profit industry designed for reaping profit from harvesting timber on a LARGE scale.(bad guys to a degree) I fully understand what you do and respect fully the service you provide. I am merely getting at random disrespect for the natural areas and how that undermines the good of the community at large. I do get emotional and am a big champion of the underdog in regards to the envioroment and dumbasses. You just happen to have a profession that is semi related to a portion of the thread. You take a defensive stance and I understand. I am not attacking you or your service but looking at it from a more global or all encompassing standpoint. It is not about trees but about a way a society evolves and how the individuals within that society develop an co-exist. LOL this is all important but really has gone beyond the scope of this forum, so i'll lay down my spikes (for the moment) and we can just get on with having fun .
  2. Hehe, no im not trolling, just getting "emotional" on a subject I see as being pretty important, what with the immense increase in the popularity of climbing. Granted it's a VERY small resource but where do we draw the line, what is taboo one day, if done in small increments becomes commonplace and accepted eventually. I just want people to be aware of their impacts on a local scale with respect to the bigger picture. Look at the issue of erosion and waste at popular climbing areas, one has to look at the folks and their casual, self focussed attitude towards their resource. I just saw how second pullout at redrocks was treated and cringe whenever I hear about folks "abusing" an area. it might be apples and oranges but to me its similar. Stuff grows fast in the NW, abundant moisture and mild temps so really its not a big deal. I am just focussed on general awareness and thoughts for the future. I see both side to most arguments so I totally respect and see what folks are saying, it just strikes me on a core level
  3. *sigh* I gotta keep reminding myself where I am.. "This family supported by timber dollars" mentality Pacific Northwest. It's your job so obviously you have to maintain a certain ideology and I respect you for that. But being an emotional tree hugger ( I must admit, Las Vegas did break me of the recycling habit - you have to give me credit there) I just see the ravaged hills done by "The Tree growing people" and their ilk, it really makes me sick. All for the sake of dollars. So to take it to the level of " Oh, well it helps keep the climbing area free of moss and affords us better views of the routes, is just another way of justifying resource abuse for selfish means, but on a much smaller scale. So yeah mebbe I am a little aggro on such a topic but heck, thats me. As for the idiot comment and the slams, thats small minded on your part for assuming my stance without proof
  4. you're a dumb shit eat balls asseyes Ouch, careful, your intellect is showing!
  5. People were cutting down trees at Index to improve climbing long before the terms sport climber or gym climber were even thought of. Pull your head out of your ass. FUQ, I dont really give a rats ass, I'm just sick of the preponderance of ignorant people and unfortunately the bulk of them are crawling out in the open these days! Pfft on yours, and BTW its warm up in here on cold days!
  6. I am sensing ***Moron Alert***. Cutting down trees is a major dull wit, nimrod move. But alas thats what the neuvo sport/gym bred climber mentality seems to be based on.
  7. Well, having spend some time climbing at Devils Tower...I must say that seasonally: The Durrance Route was always packed full of gumbys and seige climbers and the ever present stench of urine. Otherwise any route at Smith with bolts.
  8. chirp


    Is Doktor Don still alive? jeeps! LOL If he truly is tell him someone special says hi.
  9. Yup, give the mediocre morons something to explode and beer to drink and they are happy...(kinda like the US Government)
  10. chirp

    Entertain Me At Work

    NIMBY WORD YO Great place to camp and get free booty
  11. chirp


    Its about more than climbing, the all encompassing aspect of adventure, rebellion, respect, and angst. The guy was freaking brilliant "Never apologise, never explain"
  12. chirp

    The Mall

    Werd. Riding a bike in the gym is so boring and pointless. Yeah! PFFT what they should do is go to some sport crag and clip bolts! OH YEAH thats cool! ;P
  13. Yeah, its just fun and a great way to pass the time, meet interesting folks and such. We stopped playing when we moved up here from Vegas and really didnt have much of a withdrawal issue, the break was nice. What server does yer friend play on? Ill drop in and send him a HOWDY!
  14. Well, they have a command you can type in to see how much cumulative time you have played on a specific character...I tried it on my main char ( imok is an alt ) and it said 88 days. Thats 88 solid days of sitting on my ass with one character I calculate I spend 42 hours a week playing EQ, with my longest single session being 27 hours. Do I have a problem? I have some l33t l3wtz on my chars tho. Gear makes all the difference just like climbing muahaha
  15. OW, OW, OW! Im gonna cry! LOL EQ fekking rocks! Plus on rest days the detailed mouse clicking help my fingers recover
  16. Ok, so I tried to portray an aura of essential goodness. Some scrubbing will be needed, but most of the routes are already pretty darn clean. The rock is super sticky, almost like the gnarly desert limestone outside of Vegas. Heavy wool sweaters are considered aid.
  17. Im hoping to leave the moss in place as I feel bad removing it in non critical areas. I respect the moss for its tenacious qualities, plus its bad karma to harm another sentient being without reason. Yes! Plants do have feelings! But I will keep you posted Rope burns up Behunin Canyon
  18. Yup it is sandstone.
  19. Cool, I have heard about the golf course but never been, not sure about access now. This place is elsewhere, ummm near a coal mine
  20. Currently trimming concrete landscape blocks with it for some flower beds But for climbing purposes I am messing around near Black Diamond and am tired of hand drilling.
  21. Hey all thanks for the input, I think I might attempt Drus advice and put together a gel setup. Freeman, no kidding, my first battery went kaput within the first month of using it it was the spring of 1990 and we were up Icicle, I took some gear out of my pack and walked over to the base of the cliff...I glanced back at my pack to see smoke coming out of it! DOH....ran back over and some draws were on fire, one biner blackened and one $100 battery toasted. One lesson learned.
  22. Thanks Dru, headed there now! I had an old issue of Climbing or R&I with a similar bit of info but its buried so i'll scope FISH
  23. I have an older bosch bulldog ( circa 1990) and I need to get a spare battery. Is there a local resourse that sells them or a decent mail order source? Any help would be great. Thanks in advance.
  24. Pfft, what dya expect...anything Smith is lame and boring...
  25. chirp

    Cup o' noodle

    Careful of the dreaded Cup'O'Noodles, typically it takes more nutrients and liquids to actually process the stuff than it provides you...negative nutrient ratio. Danger! Danger!
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