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Everything posted by minx

  1. but you sais you liked that? i mean you last time you even asked if you could wear my heels.
  2. cbs- i don't think it's a club. i think mr. roark just has a very limited vocabulary. this suggests a limited intellect or education (perhaps both) thus i think we can disregard nearly all of what he has to say (not that we weren't already)
  3. ran with scissors once, went out in the rain w/o my jacket once. got slammed by my horse face first into a solid fence....don't remember many many many hours after that. ended up a few minutes ahead of an avalanche. had my little VW run over by semi.....ouch! college drinking...too many incidents to count. i'm just a walking disaster.
  4. nahh...that's just planning. the food would get cold on the way to the top for the great summit views. it's only good if she lugs the portable microwave (to heat the chicken) and the portable blender (for margaritas) --both available at REI with a handy and fashionable carrying case-- to the summit
  5. BMI is such nonsense! there are times when i am far more fit than i am right now and have a lot more muscle but still weigh the same. given those conditions my BMI is the same either way. (21.3) i can certainly have a much different % body fat and be less fit and healthy and weight the same. it's just plain dumb!
  6. so true! anything warm and fat consumed as simultaneously as possible w/cold beer.
  7. well i feel a little better now. at least peter's with me on this. it takes care of that whole redunancy business w/o adding extra gear.
  8. i thought that answer was way too obvious. WY
  9. hmmmm...am i the only one who uses both? i usually clove hitch in with the rope and use a runner as a personal anchor.
  10. ~butter...you shouldn't fake anything. it just tastes better ~depends on the location..it's all about what fits best where ~tele skiers are more likely to sit at home talking about what bad ass trad climbers they used to be ~who? ~yes, everywhere except canada and scotland where it just wouldn't be fair to leave the men no other option. ~it has hasn't happened yet ~pleasure i guess, i don't have any recipes for spider
  11. distel but that part about bouldering nothing says fun like a 5.7 alpine chossfest....what the heck is wrong w/you young pebble wrestler??? hmmm...there are a buncha young studs bouldering w/o shirts...i may have to rethink this
  12. i'll go one step further than jim. i'm going to point out that projections are often wrong (ie. the new medicare bill) and then i'll attack the man (Shrub is a lying kiebler elf)
  13. minx


    hey roark...stfu it was an hour, i don't consider it a waste. he has some good ideas. nothing wasteful about gaining some new perspective is there?
  14. minx


    well i spent about an hour of my valuable time listening to Dennis Kucinich last night i have absolutely no hope that he will be elected president he is the best of the democratic candidates that i've heard. i do not agree with or support at least one of his platform items. that said, he had a lot of interesting ideas. he had proposals for funding his programs. most importantly, he seemed to have a genuine belief in what he was saying. he's the only one who seemed genuine and sincere in his desire to change things and help people. many of his ideas are extreme changes from things as usual and unlikely to succeed with in the confines of the entire government. i think it would do this country a world of good to have a president who is idealistic and would focus on achieving those changes. he would probably fail to fully reach those goals but i'd love to see someone make a legit effort to provoke significant change in healthcare, education and trade. he's not a charismatic speaker. he's probably to unattractive to be president. he's the only candidate that seems genuine at all....maybe it's the bad hair cut and spock ears.
  15. I hope you left. "....she was in playboy's girls of the pac 10 issue." i never bothered to show up
  16. well i'm not a man but this sorta sucked way back when "my ex g/f works here, hope you don't mind if she serves us"
  17. heh! nope...they just cut my cube in half. now i have a study carol like the library used to have
  18. i'm lookin at my swingline right now!
  19. shuddap Bob!
  20. it looks like i'm going to have lots of time to climb midweek. anybody out there available midweek stuff? alpine? cragging? whatever
  21. minx

    Another Car Theft

    I know you Mr. Roark, you love hanging out at the mall. Wandering through Nordstroms, The Bon, and lets not forget, Bath and Body Works!! Well, good quality loofah sponges are important to me. hey mr. roark only wants the finest clothes to wash when he's doing laundry
  22. minx


    what he said!!!!
  23. minx


    yeah....figures. one shot wonder i'm pretty sure kucinich doesn't blow goats since he's a vegetarian. but that's beside the point. i've heard him say some interesting things. just wondering if anybody here had done any research on the man.
  24. minx


    roark at least live up to your pseudonym and try and come up w/at least one rational, logical, useful statement today.
  25. Damn, that's news to me. What a provocative idea, that the all the misogynistic characteristics of the Church were decended from a simple case of jealousy. yeah that sounds just about right. par for the course if you ask me
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