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Everything posted by minx

  1. me? a hall pass? do you mean from my husband?
  2. sorry i prefer weds evenings close enough to take a cab home.
  3. minx

    Airport security

    even if you're sending it to yourself kiddie porn is still illegal dru.
  4. minx

    Airport security

    but you don't really know for sure now do you??? jeezus does "highly unlikely" mean "know for sure". No, it does not. But I would say there is maybe a 1 in 10 chance that someone here is wearing a polished mirrored helmet. not bads are they? 1 in 10 is more than the number of women you've met that remember you the next day.
  5. minx

    Airport security

    whew, i was worried there for a minute. yeahh....that figures you would be
  6. minx

    Airport security

    but you don't really know for sure now do you???
  7. no i'm not good at planning anything. i am good at drinking though
  8. minx

    Airport security

    how do you know?
  9. minx

    Airport security

    that's much closer to the truth than her being snugtop
  10. minx

    Modern Lovers

    b/c you're right on the money about the assumption and that statement in general. reality bites eh?
  11. any time soon?
  12. minx

    Modern Lovers

    that's so old news what you should really be worried about us finding out who botched your sex change operation
  13. minx

    Airport security

    not that it matters but i can assure you all that archenemy is a woman, not dru, and way hotter than minx.
  14. minx

    Modern Lovers

    and half the posters on this board are now googling themselves
  15. my name is undefined
  16. well no in your case it wouldn't no but in iaxxx's case a hysterectomy or tampon might work
  17. if peakbetty and daisy (two women) kiss and no man is there to see it did the kiss really happen?
  18. yes truly one of history's great tragedies Don't pout because you missed it minx, it doesn't become you. nahhh....didn't miss it. just didn't care. i just think it's some twisted combo of humourous and yet annoying when people get their knickers in a twist over phantom moderation.
  19. yes truly one of history's great tragedies
  20. but apparently you'll member anything.
  21. no no NO! it's all about ME! and the sooner you all realize that the easier things around here will be. Glasscowmiss forgot that rule and he had to be punished! kidding of course! i suppose if that truly was his last post he'll never know that he wasn't "moderated" but rather it appears to have been a "technical glitch". very very little gets moderated in spray these days.
  22. You misspelled "boner". iaxx--that's brilliant
  23. can't say as i'd be a regular but an occasional weekday morning would be great.
  24. but remember, in idaho, if you check into a motel as a couple you're legally married.
  25. why is she using he silicon envelopes to squeeze her lime?
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