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Everything posted by minx

  1. minx

    Airport security

    yeah, love the TSA and kids. we had the humourous experience coming home from our christmas vacation. the poor shmo who got to check my kid's carry on had to wade through an armload of star wars action figures and misc other toys. by the time he was done w/that he didn't even bother to open the big millenium falcon lego box w/about 9 gazillion pieces i was toting. those 9 yr olds sure are a big security risk
  2. minx


    apparently you learned grammar, spelling and typing from your 8 yr old son. what are you so worried about? are you letting him read the stuff posted on spray to you?
  3. closer to I5 the better. i'd be even happier about 5/25 but no reason not to do both.
  4. minx

    Insert Caption

    My thoughts exactly yeah but it's nice to have somebody else do the work for you
  5. minx

    Insert Caption

    Wonder what they'll come up with so that "we" can both go through the birthing experience? i believe it'll start with a kick to the nuts...by a horse.
  6. minx

    Insert Caption

    finally! a manzier! and it supports my beer gut as well as my man boobs! fantastic!
  7. minx

    Band du Jour

    squid(s) have knees?
  8. hey heY HEY now! i am a very particular minx. i don't crunk w/ just anyone. and certainly not at my chez. you're just going to have to take that kind of filth to the spray good grief. this is a nice respectable kind of forum and event.
  9. well smartypants. do you have a better suggestion? anything west of 405 is inconvenient for me. it would be most convenient for ME if we had at the mount si tavern.
  10. minx

    Airport security

    no! you lose vowel point for being a smarty pants. go buy one from vanna!
  11. i think that some special hangars may have been ordered to repair these routes. standard 3/8" -1/2" hangars didn't fit the existing bolts. some folks are definitely making the effort to get these routes fixed. whoever did this i'm not the biggest fan of bolts out there but dog knows i've clipped plenty of them. these were nice, short, easy beginner routes. great place to take firs timers and great, super positive place for first leads.
  12. i don't think caveman is concerned with your hormone therapy or allergy meds.
  13. minx


    as one of the spray moderators, i'd like to apologize if spray is too lowbrow for your sensibilities. further i'd recommend you don't bother to read it if you don't like it. why the masochist tendancies eh? additionally, i'd suggest you take your preachy self some place else and go fuck yourself. i really don't understand why people insist upon bemoaning the nature of the spray forum in this manner. you're warned at the entrance what spray is. there are plenty of other forums on this board with a different demeanor. there are other entire boards on which you can participate that have a whole different tone. why do you insist on making this one just like those? you can effect change by participating and not swearing. preaching won't get you anywhere. perhaps contacting a moderator. or staying away from places you don't really belong. RC.com is a more "civilized" place. take yourself over there. have a nice day. PLEASE NOTE: ATTN TJD
  14. i saw this one this morning. wtf does this mean? "as above, so below"
  15. u district wouldn't be bad. much easier for me than ballard. what was i thinking?!?!
  16. take your saturday in l'worth nonsense to another thread! i don't want to hear any more about that until someone's found me a designated driver. this is the pub club sometime soon at someplace around here thread.
  17. this is so stupid. doesn't he know that we have a pill for that? sheesh. what a moron. in fact i think dru may even have a pump/implant/strap on for that.
  18. thanks, could you be a little less specific than that? i believe today that i've used up my weekly alotment of posts so i'll have to leave this to the rest of you to figure out. perhaps the sloop?
  19. minx

    Modern Lovers

    You obviously haven't plumbed the depths of desperation. Or savored the fruits of very low standards. based on the tone of his post, i think specialed has.
  20. sentence structure aside. i am proposing a gathering including drinking sometime, at someplace, probably sooner rather than later. suggestions?
  21. We need a to get shortbus up there and do some Advanced Designated Driving. finally someone with a useful suggestion!
  22. are you staying sober and driving us back to our tents when we get drunk in l'worth? no? ok then-- some place in the greater seattle area.
  23. alright kiddies. i don't have to get a hall pass from my husband. he'll come along or he won't. i propose some random wednesday in the reasonably near future for a beer drinking gathering.
  24. you went and got married and see what happened? sheesh! it's all your fault that PC got ruined.
  25. minx

    Airport security

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