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Everything posted by minx

  1. and this is why you really shouldn't ask men anything....
  2. is that your light saber or are you just happy to see me The Force--let alone common sense--was definitely not with them. Two British Star Wars fans sustained critical injuries after constructing their own lightsabers from fluorescent light tubes filled with liquid fuel. According to British media reports, a 20-year-old man and his 17-year-old female friend were filming a mock duel in homage to Star Wars: Episode III--Revenge of the Sith, the latest chapter of George Lucas' record-breaking franchise. The duo were reportedly emulating one of Sith's key battles, a lightsaber clash between Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan Kenobi and Hayden Christensen's Anakin Skywalker. The two Brits suffered severe burns when their homemade sabers exploded. The two had been videotaping their clash. They have been hospitalized at Hemel Hempstead in Hertfordshire since the accident Sunday. Aside from fiery accidents, the Sith craze is being blamed on a string of robberies. In separate incidents in Illinois and Florida, dark side-inspired crooks wearing Darth Vader helmets are being sought by police on assault and robbery charges.
  3. climbing tonight. be there when we're done
  4. before we condemn these poor folks, (not much we're going to spray here is going to make the situation any worse than being dead afterall) lets all remember we've all probably done a few things that could've gotten us killed if conditions or circumstances had changed. i can't believe no one has gone out w/o being underprepared at some point. i've thought on occasion "i hope the weather doesn't turn b/c i didn't bring XXX". i'm not saying these guys didn't screw up and apparently were COMPLETELY unprepared but come on. ... they paid the price. is it really necessary to be so harsh?
  5. i'm waiting for the gondola.
  6. i do drive a wagon (small). sorry TLG i think those dodges are downright ugly
  7. let's get this straight--this is MY thread. Dave and the rest of you can fall in to line. despite dave, i think some suggestions would be a good thing. the Roadhouse sounds fine by me but wtf! lets have some banter. i'm not going to bother w/a sitter if no one is going to participate sheesh! i like PP's suggestion.
  8. No, it would take a chastity belt. i don't think the chica w/that booty would need a chastity belt to stay away from most of you
  9. i don't care what you say it goes at 12b!!!
  10. yeah, i've heard other midgets say that too.
  11. if someone is asking for it or looking for it, i'll return it. if it's a carabiner for some reason i don't even consider the option of finding it's owner. i figure it's all a part of the cosmic gear pool to which i have contributed my share of pieces. if it's a cam or some such i'd generally return it unless i really don't like the person.
  12. i doubt anyone goes out of their way to hold up a group. but sometimes you say wtf! this is a good day to climb route XXX. Sure enough you get there. you get worked harder than you expect and you climb slower than you and those behind you would like. it doesn't sound like anyone was denied an opportunity to pass this group. we spent 6 hours on R&D one day behind a slow group of 3. we decided that as annoying as it was that it would make their group uncomfortable if passed them en route. we decided to chill out and enjoy the beautiful day. we had planned on a lot more pitches but sometimes you just gotta adapt. sheesh!
  13. anyone? i don't have time to review all the bars in the greater seattle area before tomorrow night. anyone else want to suggest something?
  14. translation: i'm going to be climbing in l'worth so stay the f*ck out of my way.
  15. minx

    Ascensionist dot com

    that is pathetic. bigtime. I think ascentionist.com is pathetic too. I only go there now and then, when I'm feeling bored and in a dark mood and feel like gazing into the armpit (one of the armpits) of human existance. kinda like when I'm surfing thru the channels on teevee and I'll stop and watch 10 minutes of some "reality" show. but why censor out any mention of it? lame. really that's just untrue
  16. awww squidly, knock it off. this is cc.com and we respect everyone's right to say the same thing 50 different ways over and over. come on embrace this charming cc.com trait. afterall nothing says fun like beating a dead horse
  17. nice to see you again. now just go fuck off and die got a sheep right here w/your name on it (amazing what you can do w/shears)
  18. that sounds alright to me! any other suggestions??? let the battle begin. i haven't been to the roadhouse but magnolia works!
  19. TLG do a search of the site. i remember a thread maybe last summer about some climbing in the canyon.
  20. SWEET! Annabelle's been telling me how much she wants to meet you. Maybe she'll stick around for a little post-climb hot tubbing at the lodge with us. sounds fabulous. i know it's a speed ascent and all but do you think we'll have time to stop at the muir hut? btw- just can't wait to "meet" annabelle
  21. i'll go but you're going to have to carry my windshirt if i get warm
  22. hope you had fun. sooner or later everybody slows somebody down. hopefully, if the parties below you were irritated they politely asked to pass. no worries on that! (not that i was there--i just know i've been slow before)
  23. once in a while? you need to work on your mean streak
  24. minx

    Dear Moderators:

    whether or not he has a leg to stand on is irrelevant. he's been causing relentless headaches for the purveyors of this site. don't take it personally if a fido thread disappears. it probably has nothing to do with the actual content you started/added to a thread except that it's about fido.
  25. minx


    hmmm...an here i thought only tired people get tired
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