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Everything posted by minx

  1. minx


    i didn't know that sadam was from Idaho
  2. minx


    sadly, i spent part of my honeymoon in Idaho.
  3. minx


    I DA HO? no YOU DA HO!!!
  4. minx


    lets get back to mint juleps, please!
  5. minx


    mmmmmmmm..........mint juleps. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  6. minx


    i sprained my ankle at the national pea and lentil festival. stoopid palouse. ahhh...dinner tray sliding. i did mine on the other side of the border. great winter time sport.
  7. well at least we know you liked her $7K worth, but "til death due us part" is a whole lot more expensive than that! (then again so is a quicky divorce after a quicky marriage) i'm with muffy-- i had a perfect wedding for me and i know it didn't even cost half of that. my ring was definitely more expensive than the wedding though.
  8. pink, in your case it is not the size of your grande belly or petite weener that matters. For you, it's the size of your wallet, it's your only hope.
  9. minx

    Shooting at UW

    i'll swear that archie was there the whole time.
  10. minx

    Shooting at UW

    no, more likely she is at her desk in her home town, Hyderbad India.
  11. minx


    well send badvoodoo my regards also. it must be contagious!
  12. minx


    uggh! i'm sorry to hear that.
  13. minx


    did you get an official diagnosis that it's broken? yikes!
  14. i think you can serve it to your american guests only.
  15. minx


    why'd you shave your head?
  16. selkirk--the more the merrier. by all means have mrs. selkirk join our cadre of moderate climbers. not necessary for this to be strictly chicks either. you're welcome to come too...you just have to go climb something mrs. selkirk isn't just looking for some new folks to climb with when the weather is good. it'd be nice though to meet more girls that climb.
  17. Peter- you're still the bestest! but i've got to have back-up when you're busy with baseball games.
  18. minx


    not like a doctor. one of the medical types should chime in. but at least if you wait until the evening you haven't killed the whole day. good luck!!
  19. minx


    well there's probably no good way to know for sure. find the urgent care place that's open latest. hobble around all day and then go to urgent care at the end of the day.
  20. ok- RumR, you were right. do you wanna cookie?
  21. that's fine but remember i chewed him up and spit him out a long time ago.
  22. this board has turned into somewhat of a community. some folks know each other well, some not at all, but it's a bit of community none the less. some folks presume that just b/c its spray and there are very few formal rules, that all behaviour is going to be acceptable. just b/c there is no rule against something, doesn't mean a community will tolerate the behaviour. then again, some people enjoy negative attention so they just keep hammering away in the same old way regardless of the feedback.
  23. excellent! we don't have to have a set day since its all weather dependent. i should've specified, seattle area. definitely NO cameras!
  24. kevbone--the point was that it'd be good if you and a everyone could perhaps consider the context of a thread before spewing with full venom. not only have archie, kkk and others thrown out their share of FOAD responses in other threads, but they've also received them too. most often they don't complain about it. its all about context, kevboob.
  25. hey all, now that spring is upon us i'd love to get out on weekday afternoons for some cragging. i'm off work by 3 most days and can be at the TH no later than 4pm. what i'd actually like to find is some new women to climb with. theres been several posts recently from women looking for women climbing partners. a couple years back icegirl's group of girl climbers seemed pretty popular so i have to think there's a few. i'm an extremely moderate climber harboing intentions of being slightly above average someday.
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