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Everything posted by minx

  1. minx

    the queens of spray

    no no, kevbone is pink's lapdog...which is probably even kinkier given what kevbone will do for a little attention and a pat on the head
  2. minx

    the queens of spray

    I might be the hottest cc.com chick--i'm having the most fun (at pink's expense)
  3. minx

    the queens of spray

    woohoo...amber is back!
  4. minx


    kevbone-- i'm sure she's got better things to do than waste her time with your nonsense. STFU--you're becoming more tiresome.
  5. minx


    i see pink needs to work on his posting skills in more than one way.
  6. minx


    Dont you mean here? Spelling cops at it again. lol your such a ... i didn't know you were into beastiality seahawks. is that you and your partner, look' like he's in the mood. yep, liberals are well hung No that a pic of a liberal. LOL
  7. minx


    kevbone, your mancrush on pink is cute and all but he's only just one small step above you in terms of his posts.
  8. minx


    hey, thanks for looking out for me. maybe you can be my agent. what is your fee? no charge if it'll keep you occupied and stop you from posting. it appears that tvash has found a girl for you.
  9. minx


    pink is interested in a 3some now that he's single again. please PM him if you're interested.
  10. minx


    fuckinA pink, why are your hands blue? why can't you take a joke?
  11. scientists and catholic priests -- two types of professionals you should never trust.
  12. minx


    Women eat the weak and infirm. they're tasty.
  13. minx


    marriage isn't for the weak.
  14. well we certainly want anyone to demonstrate a positive medical use for a substance that so many folks are gung ho to keep illegal, now would we???
  15. i've been looking for a new place to hang out. this sounds fantastic. PC at Tommy's!!!
  16. minx

    Is it advisable?

    hey CBS is the poster child for normal. didn't you know?
  17. i think Oly went to the lingerie coffee stand. it was the new tequila espresso. he was supposed to grab the lime she was holding and do a body shot but he got flustered and blew it.
  18. minx

    Is it advisable?

    yeah b/c no one talks about sex or their sex life on the internet
  19. ok ... #1) cindy 66 is not the same avatar as cindy666 #2) cindy 66 - arkansas is not the only place you can get SW bell. i can get access my work account from living room couch via my laptop. my IP is still the same. #3) cindy annoys me b/c its pulling at the emotions of people. this isn't funny its sick. #4) as a general rule we don't out "trolls" b/c a lot of them are funny and good natured. arc got outed for obvious reasons. i still haven't completely outed the ID of our fair Cindy here. So folks remember you're going to have to figure out speculate on most trolls all by yourselves. i love a fun troll. CREEPY CREEPY CREEPY CREEPY TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL
  20. minx

    I want women

    i'm sort of disappointed. i was hoping for so much more for this thread. i think Heidi Fleiss was a billionaire and then she had to pay taxes and fines and now she's just a millionaire.
  21. is she still paying her rent? what grounds do you have for tossing her out? (i mean legally...obviously she's a PITA and deserves to go)
  22. ooooooooooh Amber, where are you? calling Amber... would you like to go climb some granite it renton?
  24. INquiring minds don't really want to know.....ENQuirerer types of minds might....so you and the new stud both have SW Bell as your ISP eh?.....interesting.....nothing you've posted here has ever been normal.
  25. nice to see you posting from the same IP addy at home and away. nice that you had a good trip....troll
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