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Everything posted by minx

  1. Jay B--hate to tell you but your wrong. Research Associate is about the bottom of the scale in biotech. The thing with biotech is that the average education level is much higher than many businesses. At my previous employer over 90% of the employees had at least a BS.
  2. Wow! I've been busy for a few days and haven't really kept up with spray. Outside is a nice place. I think we may need a collective spray time out. Everyone go outside and climb something and come back with a fresh attitude. I love that all these beautiful women stepped up and posted. I think its absolutely sweet that Mr. Granite posted pics of the lovely Mrs. Granite. I think its great that the guys had some fun and posted their pics. Its great to put some faces with names. Unlike some internet forums this a mostly "local" conglomeration of posters. Many of us have the opportunity to meet and climb together. Its a more familiar environment than some boards and thats what makes it a good place. Like it or not it is difficult to be fully anonymous on this board. Because we're more familiar with each other than a lot of posters on broader sites, it seems that we could take that into account. Some of the crap archie was referring to has been deleted from that thread. Spray is a free for all for the most part but it seems like some threads could stand a little restraint from the peanut gallery. Vain or not, that thread was fun and there is a positive vibe that's great. I hope that any of you guys who got in trouble with yoru wives for posting on it, quickly resolve the issue with wild passionate "make-up" sex. Then, bring your wives along to some cc.com function or host one so that we can meet them. I don't think any of the women who posted were trying to get dates or hit on married men.
  3. YAY~ so glad to see latte is perking up.
  4. wow oly, that's a pretty big 8===D for a sick guy.
  5. i'm going outside now.
  6. its not an either/or thing.
  7. well, there goes the neighborhood!
  8. kevbone-- i'm just curious. Pink seems perfectly capable of handling himself in spray. Why do you feel the need to run to his defense over everything...including things like the hot chicks thread? so what if he started it? it's just a thread...it's morphed into something else. it's not an attack on pink. does his dick really taste that good?
  9. minx


    ahhh yes, i always love this. yer so coooooooool cuz you lived in your van. being too broke to shower is somehow a badge of honor. yep, pink is an extra special climber and better than all the rest of us b/c he lived in his van. damn dude. get real. sure i'd be a hell of a lot better climber if i climbed every day but wtf is it w/living in a van that you think is so special? climbing everyday--cool. living in your van, irrelevant.
  10. minx

    the queens of spray

    ahhh tvash--PITA---you know me so well. there will not be any clearer pics of minx. a minx is nothing if not coquettish and coy.
  11. minx

    the queens of spray

    I work with Zeus. He's a good guy. I always say "hey zeus" when I see him. good guy. this god fellow sends me spam all the time. i don't really like him.
  12. minx

    the queens of spray

    oh no! i've found a typo in the calendar already! Tvash--i have claimed and will only acquiesce to my inclusion if I am Miss January.
  13. minx

    the queens of spray

    i appreciate the discretion being used for Miss January's page.
  14. hey chelle--i'll take the offset nuts if you still have them.
  15. minx


    yes but that doesn't make them sexy. it's not about just being a dick, it's how use the dick.
  16. pink, someone actually has to want to date you for this to be a problem. my advice is to find the sheep of your dreams and then worry about her climbing skillz.
  17. minx


    i meant a hot sexy pole that could be included in the men of cc.com calendar. is crazy polish bob hot?
  18. minx


    hey -- i think that before we can answer pink's question, we need to establish who is a member of the clique and what the criteria are for being part of the inner sanctum. perhaps we even need a pole. kevdork, welcome back. don't make me ban you.
  19. minx


    that's where the "if you don't eat it now you'll be eating it cold for breakfast" ploy always comes in handy. oh yeah-- been there. he's gone a long time w/o eating. he's got a heck of a stubborn streak. can't imagine where he got that from
  20. minx

    the queens of spray

    i don't want to share a page w/pink thats for sure but i'd share a calendar page with any of the chicas i've met from this sight. you guys sure are sterotyping us!
  21. minx


    i wish my son were that bright. his tantrums were each b/c he didn't like the food at the restaurant. no restaurant food wasn't a punishment (picky eater) going w/o dinner and going straight to bed was punishment. H/E it took him a few times to figure out that we weren't kidding the first time.
  22. minx


    i HATE parents who let a tantrum continue in public, particularly restaurants. whisk that child out of the building immediately! i ate re-heated restaurant food several times b/c the kidlet couldn't get it together. we went to the car until Dad had paid and we could leave. i left a full cart of groceries at the store once b/c he had fixated on a balloon at the check stand. i came back later and finished buying my groceries. people shouldn't be subjected to other people's children's tantrums.
  23. minx


    and 3 and 4 and sometimes 6
  24. minx


    well, i think perhaps you're a tad bit on the lucky side too. my kid has thrown more than his share of tantrums, publicly embarrassed me and annoyed other people. h/e that doesn't mean that i hadn't drawn the line. he was just more stubborn about accepting his inability to get what he wants. i think the key is that he doesn't win them. now that he's older, he's a great kid that behaves himself, mostly does what he's asked with a normal amount of pre-teen grousing, still hugs his mom, opens doors for strangers and says thank you. i think it's a gross oversimplification to say that tantrums in younger children is a reflection of an unhealthy sense of entitlement.
  25. minx

    the queens of spray

    if it will improve your post style and content, i'll loan you one of mine.
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