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Everything posted by billcoe

  1. Is that all, I kept seeing you everywhere. Don't be such a whiner, way back when folks just used their foreheads and didn't need no stinkin' hammers. They were tough back then, tough I tell ya....look at Montypitons story. Tough. Smart kids too. Besides, I heard you bagged the 4th ascent of Conga Line and I don't see that in your special post anyplace. ...now where's my pictures of that? ahhh, Penolopie watching you belay Jimmies Favorite. You are just outside of the picture belaying this lead... Here you are behind the camera, not in view. That's Jim and Scott (Plaidman) of course. Man, I know I have a pic of you someplace Kenny....ahhhh..... There you are coiling a rope looking unconcerned racking for the 2nd ascent of Wounded Knee. Whew, glad that I had something.
  2. Thanks all, while I was waffling my wife basically told me that I'd missed my window of opportunity and can expect a 3 pack of underwear for Christmas (hopefully new or clean ones this year). I guess the girlfriend will now be getting the chased gold bangle and sapphire/diamond earrings I had tucked away for the wife...LOL I was leaning against it as a lot of time I'm in real thick cover or on the side of a cliff where one wouldn't get all the satellites which the Spot seems to need to perform well anyway.
  3. ROTF!!! Well played sir! LOL!
  4. It's at 10% with my vote in there now. I wonder what a poll would say if everyone had to have one in their car all the time? It certainly would have saved the Kim's lives and saved rescuers valuable time as well.
  5. billcoe

    Joe's a Liar

    Not sure what you mean FW as jb has all kinds of various complaints about Obamas various bait and switches and the other lack of integrity kind of things Obama has been doing if you will. JB's posts on this all over the spray threads. jb's been pretty consistent on bashing Obama on some of these flip flop issues I think.
  6. LOL Tamara! I don't know if they have enough for all of us!
  7. Thanks John: Like all climbers, we will miss our brothers who are gone even if we didn't know or climb with them. No words do justice, but our thoughts and broken hearts are with the families of these fine young people.
  8. 21 first ascents. 5 of those routes at a new area which represents all but a few of the bolts I installed this year. (130 or so) The Lil Raindawg got worked as all of those bolts were 1/2 x 7" and 1/2 x 6-1/4" long wedge anchors like this one in the middle: Lil Dawg at the new area: Only injured once (both knees trashed doing some trail work) so I got to be the chef at Yos and also missed over 2 + prime months of climbing. However, I got out more than about anytime since before I had children 24 years ago, of course my grades seemed to suffer, but it was up to low 10's by the time Adam and I did the FA of "Lone Wolf and the Last Hurrah" at Beacon as that's what that start went at. My youngest (son), who inexplicably grew up and moved out, finally started climbing this year. He showed up for a couple of visits and I did the 3rd ascent of Conga Line and the FA of Child Abuse with him. Conga Line is a a dirty, filthy, boulder strewn trashpit of an amazingly awesome, incredible and fun 2 pitch 5.7/5.8 ridge climb. One of the bolts in that bolt count above was put in for the 3rd ascent and the only bolt in this 2 pitch route, put right by the crux...it will be a life saver if anyone ever falls there: for the only pro available there is behind a large flake that would unquestionably land right on top of you if you fell on the crux with a gear piece in. It was his very first route outside of a gym and he was way psyched and Jazzed over it! There's jamming, pseudo-chimneying in a shallow grove, monkey hangs off trees and slabs, it has it all. He loved it. Can't wait to do the corner with him and Jim, hopefully next summer. Good times. Belaying Shaun on Child Abuse, photo Jim Opdycke
  9. Yup, have to go with Drew here, isn't this the Walmart version?
  10. Fixed that for you. I suspect if you saw the price of a Barrett 50 cal, you'd be less entranced. Especially when you saw the ammunition costs. What would one do with something that can shoot 5 miles anyway? Deer and Elk are out of the question as I suspect a good part of the meat would be ruined, and who's going to walk that far to dress it and carry it out? Makes you wonder what kind of hiking around that girl does in those platform shoes.
  11. Don't want to talk about the charge for the rescue Cluck, just crossing my fingers for them and hoping for the best outcome. Take care Bill
  12. Someone else posted that from my computer to get some practice in posting pictures. It was his idea of a joke (actually, I thought it was funny too) However, that's not me with long hair Steve, although I've had hair that long, that's Carol Jones.
  13. You can tell she's not married from a shoe? OMG, that there is some mad tracking skillz. I need to hang with you dude and learnz all of dis!!! ps, I really like the way the grain of the rocks in Sherris mural runs, it nicely duplicates and reminds us of that colored grain flow effect that you see out there in the Red Rocks all the time.
  14. Sherri had her Vegas Black Orpheus story published! http://www.climbing.com/exclusive/above/getting_down_the_crux/# Good stuff! Check out her mural:
  15. Whoh!!! LOL
  16. Old Beacon climber...West Face of Monkey....more if you need it.... Poke ____________________________________________________________ below (not above) others noticed, even if you didn't. Back then, top of El Cap, Dean Caldwell and Warren Harding. Ask Pink what this was. Glen Denny photo
  17. Cough* dickhead * cough * icestorm ahead * cough Hey Sobo, it ain't happenin' unless there are pictures of Bikini babes.
  18. Ditto, thanks for sharing it!
  19. When I catch up with an old timer I'll ask him about this. Dean Caldwell is still around, but that might go poorly. Hey Dean: "I got a climbing question fer ya" (Spoken in a high falsetto pitch Jerry Lewis type of voice) Dean: "Ask away young fella, you're going to ask me about 28 days on a new El Cap route with a drunken Warren Harding while the eyes of the entire world stopped and rested on us aren't you...." Still in a high pitch Jerry Lewis voice: "Uhhh, no dude, don't know nothin' about that" "Hey, on the SE Corner of Beacon there was 2 pins on the first pitch, do you remember where they were?" Dean: "WTF, WHERE?! Corner? (thinks he's being played) Hey, get the hell out of here you jackass" (proceeds to hit whippersnapper with cane ...) Scene flows to black....
  20. Good luck in snuggling with LCK....don't need to see that trip report...LOL. I can't be advertising my bros trip to yos and having an internet dogpile on them though, wouldn't be cool. You, Adam, Ivan and some of these other dudes should look at getting a camp site. Maybe start a new thread and garner some interest?
  21. I'm sure you'd feel better on all of this if you wouldn't keep watching Fox news jb. Obama said we were getting out of Iraq and deeper into Afganistan. What the hell was that all about? A politician actually keeping a campaign promise! Which of us could have expected that or seen it coming? Zing....right out of left field and here we are. SAME SAME, BUT DIFFERENT
  22. Well good luck catching the Crabs Rednose!!!! May you pull nothing but full traps in and came home safe, early and rich. ps, you'd be a hell of a lot more welcome around here if ya showed up with some crabs now and then.
  23. JT takes great photos...damn good. Hey, isn't everyone suppose to be all out ice climbing now? Whats this Beacon thing that keeps getting bumped? Let see ICE!
  24. LOL! These dudes are all hardmen, so no. But I might look into that surgery for myself.
  25. JH, you're welcome to paw through my stuff and see if there is a suitable replacement anywhere in that pile of crap someplace (I have some strange soft Eurotrash somewhere I believe)- you'd be welcome to it....I'd be afraid that whomever wanted the first one might think the 2nd one was worth lifting as well though.
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