well know i figured as much.
dr stupid was unavailable at the time so i asked you.
jeasssh try to get a little somthing going and get kicked in the nutts for it.
oh come on we just haveing a little fun, im actually a pretty nice guy in person... no really i am..... no im not joking this time...
ok fine you got me
btw can i come to girls climb?
speaking or firefox, there is a movie called firefox that an ex made me sit through, it was lame as hell till angilina J. showed her tits acouple of times, that got my attention right quick
ok so i was wondering if linked two 5.6 pitches together, can i say i climbed a 5.12 pitch?
what about if i climbed a 5.6 and a 5.7 would that be 5.13 or 5.12b? what about two 5.10's, would that be a new record? 5.20 or would it be a 6.0
where does the 5.whatever stop and the 6.0 start?
if i sit start on dedra does the rating go up?
would free soloing the grandwall be considered a boulder problem? if so would a sit start increase the rating?
Hey, anyone out there need a climbing partner? I can't seem to find one....I am especially interested in the "hardpersons" variety.
i'll climb on ya... um i mean with ya, my bad
btw i fing hate american idol, my roomates whatched it down stairs once, i made so much fun of the show, that they havn't watched it since, at least not down stairs
That took me back to my childhood....
kinda scary but me too, cept insert circle k or seven11 not walmart and meth freaks actually arn't usally fat, budwiser is cheaper, and u got to have a jd and coke chaser