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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. bump bump... how bout tomorrow 6/22 at 7pm less DOOO IIT.
  2. hey anyone round here want to hook up for regular weekly stuff,basically anywhere local or travel. i have all summer off a car and gear. I'm a little rusty atm but nothing a few climbing trips won't cure.
  3. I wownder why they havn't bombed the hole yet? was whatching somthing bout a well in russia that was on fire and leaking for like 4 yrs, they nuked it to close it up. it worked. not saying we should nuke it for obiouse reasons but you would think they could drop/push a big ass payload down and denoate that fucker. or get a bigg ass self taping plug and screww it down, atleast till they can drill a new well and relive some of the preasure. so far all they been doing, till they tried the concrete mud fail, was improvise a "fix" that would still alow them to get oil out.
  4. so somewheres between 7pm and 230 am?
  5. not cool posting about NR. you have to go though private property to get there, less this has changed in the last few yrs. dont fuck it up for everyone else.
  6. yeah im down for somthing this week. i need to get back into climbing. some one pick a day.
  7. I just watched a blog about a 20 page bill that limits banks balence sheets to 2-3% gdp. the bill is the; house resolution 5159, safe banking act of 2010. i cant find any more info on it but here a link to the blog anyone hear bout this?
  8. well i'd be happy to donate, but care not to partake in the consumption... does this mean the food bank will now take seamen samples as well? can i write that off on my taxes?
  9. hum a new religious fatcion? would they be called (mormon muslem) mormusles, muslmorms...?
  10. lol harassing and getting someone fired for expressing his or her opinion, which btw is a god given right and inalienable according to our constitution, proves that you and who ever resorts to these tacktics are in fact mentally retarded, i don't really care what your religion is or why you insist on fucking sheep on fridays or what ever it is you happen to partake in, as long as you do it where i cant see it, and don't insist i join in. and FYI liberals are not the problem, and neither are republicans. both parties are full of asshats that have there own agenda, and backed by retards that cant figure out bashing people, for their belifs, whether they be religious, or political, ADDS TO THE PROBLEM. for once I'd like to see a debate that was based on reason, not emotion, and had a clear agenda to solve a giving problem. Then maybe we can figure out how to fix and improve our country.I'm tired of seeing guys like Ron Paul deliver well though, easy to understand debate arguments, only to have their words either twisted or completely ignored.
  11. hey man, i live in belligham to whitch is alttle far, but my favorite places to climb are index and squam and 11worht as well. im looking for a regular partner, i've been out of it for about 2-3yrs, but i do have 6 yrs+ xp. have climbed atleast once most places in wash. been to smith muiltipe times. yos 2 times jtree 2 times utah arches/moab, joes valley.and a few obscure craigs here and there. for awhile i was up to mid 10's leading trad. now I'm back to 5.6-5.8, atleast till i get my lead head back. i still have most all my trad gear, and fairly reliable cars. let me know what up. oh btw, march is alttle busy for me, but after that i shoulshave plenty of free time, and most weekends open. peace Eric
  12. Let em try.. im not so easy to reap.
  13. whirlwind

    we suck

    thats true too. i was leading 10b's and c's within a few weeks of learning to lead on sport, and my trad skill never got much over 10b after like 6 yrs of climbing
  14. whirlwind

    we suck

    you think part of that is because there you can climb yr round without much hassele, unlike the rainy nw where all there is to do some times is whatch the rain and or go fail in a gym
  15. or C) people with more money then they no what to do with can actually afford healthcare treatment
  16. um well u almost had it..high intrest rates, such as the ones on credit cards and ajustable home loans, combined with the big corporation moving all our prodution over sea to get around labor and enviormental laws= people with a shit load of debt they cant pay, due to intrest being 90+% of thier monthy payments and no place they can go to work. low intrest means people pay off there loans faster and the banks make alot less money. if banks and lenders would invest in prodution rather than feeding off peoples witless spending sprees we would all be ok, cept of cource the banks wouldnt have made as much money.
  17. where u leaving from i can go tomorrow. if u havnt left yet
  18. looking for a chill roomamte, to share a 3br 2.5 bath house rent 325 bills are round 50-100 per mounth, depending on ussage. pm for more details. thx whirl
  19. snow shmo.. ello pretty. spring might work too, got work for sure jan-march. up in the air from now till jan, and after march.
  20. any one availible for a trip some place abit warmer, or atleast drier. finaly got some more time off work, not sure how long, could be a week, or a few months. jtree, utah (moab/not sure if im up for indian creek yet)smith. vantage, or a combination. got gear and time off. and maybe a car. need beer, rope, and some one to hold one end of it.
  21. i like money
  22. alonger trip out of state would be cool too. posibly a week or 2 open
  23. would like to go to 11worth, vantage, or posibly sqaum. looking to climb easy to moderate stuff. 2-4days.
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