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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. italian german sausage is better for you than pork or canadian bacon
  2. um ok dont go, its better when haters stay in their little worlds any way, then i dont have to deal with em
  3. and exageraed go , hold the o for a longer period, so its not go but go oh, but take it as you may. and if you like it take it to ya twice. :insert smaking ass gremlin:
  4. whirlwind

    drum circles?

    hey mike if your serious go with the smaller of the two, easyier to pack around, and from what i noticed the key to good drum circles is a variety of drums so it dosn't matter which one really,your prefrence
  5. i don't remeber the artist but the choris was cool; ...look out belooow, i'm letting goo oh, i've fallin completly.. i've lost cotrool, im letting goo, of this fear that surounds me so look out below. your every thing in nee ed, and im letting go. with a kick ass rif in the back it works..
  6. if you are happen to be there check out the all nighters at uncle uli's on 9th and front. their from b-ham and they kick ass. nothing but jam music, some of the best surf rock i've ever heard.
  7. what was the story behide that i forgot, didn't it have somthing to do with some dude braging he could free city park?
  8. i going on thur but would like to stay a couple of days e
  9. sorry to here that, hope you heal fast man, i was there on sunday and climbed on RC. and i almost decked off the GNS myself, i was climbing the crack on the left, we had already done the one on the right, and just below the tree my lead hand poped and i did half a barn door but was able to recover it, i had no gear in to that point, and a fall would not have been good, i was thinking about other shit then the task at hand and it almost resulted in a acedent, was a good reninder that climbing is dangerous when your not on top of it, ie thinking about what your doing.
  10. oh and 90% of you all should be killed and the last 10% should be female and willing to follow 5.10+ sorry i couldn't resist
  11. Just a little side note: It is possible to be an "internet person" and still leave your home for outdoor entertainment on occasion. um yeah i was exagerating the point but thanks
  12. tribal societies weren't exactly peaceful you know,there was a constant cycle of war and peace, although most societies weren't based on war and violence there definatly were some.
  13. i think dannel quinn had a better way at adressing the subject in his three books: "my ishmel" " ishmel" and "the sory of B" he doesn't talk about society's down fall but does infasize the need for change. dru your wrong i don't think people are worried about survival, other wise there would be people looking for danger ie xtreme sports, and there wouldn't be high numbers of obese people, dispite what people want to belive obesity is not a genetic disorder, it from over eatting and not exerciseing enough. our society does need to change its not suporting a population it is suporting population growth, ie there is an excess in food in industrial nations so much that we can in fact throw it away, just think of how much food gets tossed out, also most industrial nations are very consumer based do you think human kind would end if we didn't have tv or ipods or personal computers ect. ect. , my god no internet people might actually leave there homes in search of enertainment
  14. whirlwind

    drum circles?

    seatle center on earthday, ussally by the fountain thiers drums
  15. ive had cops pull their guns on me a couple of times, and no i did not threated them or any one else, the fact is some cops are trigger happy, shit their is a video somewhere that shows a dude that was on the ground with one with one cop on top of him cuffing him hes not fighting at all and the cop on him is twice his size and another with a gun drawn. dude on the ground got shot by the cop.
  16. Looks like we are going to die together!! hum well im 27, their is a 24 yr difernce in age, um that would make you 3, i supose this expains alot
  17. whirlwind


    wait a min vikings wher e the first pirates
  18. whirlwind


    what about viking pirates?
  19. as long as yuor not in super deep sand it should be alright might get alittle squirly, but ussally your best bet is to ride it out, as long as there is no obsticals in your way. definatly find some open space before trying, and street rideing with dirt tires is a bad idea im pretty sure, not only do you lose valueable ruber, but way the bike handels will be completly differnt and i think alittle dangerous, from what i hear you dont wana be flying down the road (paved) on a dirt runner, but i dont know i never have. good luck and rubber side down. oh and i wana go
  20. not a bad place to climb, but for the same aproach time you can climb at index ie drive time plus hike time= drive time to index
  21. trips always seem to spark the stoke for me
  22. my 2 cents: 1st off i havn't riddin much off rode, but im on my 3rd street bike. at first its ok to ride the clutch jsut a hair when trying to get going, just give it gas and let out the clutch slow if the engine starts to bog down give it some more gas, on a good start the engine noise should be pretty consistant, ie not high pitched (over reved) or jumpy which is if it gets too little fuel, and then is compensated by more gas and or poping out the clutch. after yuo get going practice "sprints", basically find a straigh streach and go threw the gear as fast as posible this will help build a good feel for timing and clutch to gas ratio, that won't bog you down or jump around to much. on a 125 you probly have to try to get the front end up but it is posible to clutch it up, in other words if the bikes rpms are to high and you let the clutch out fast the front tire is coming up, but this is ok as long as you know that it could happen you can ride through it just ease off the gas and or tap the rear brake, but make sure its just a tap. sorry fo the book e
  23. come in
  24. all the more reason to keep mass quanities of alcohol stored in your liver.
  25. i wana ride
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