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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. i'll be, i can't ski
  2. whirlwind


    avast me maties. this here ships gone to the cabin boys twice the threads and posts, wtf?
  3. we are there to fill a vacum that we created... ahh ok now i feel much better
  4. sick, lets ride
  5. shit your right mike: 2nd take You will die at the age of 89 You will die of sexual exhaustion
  6. You will die at the age of 58 You will be killed when the chimpanzee's rise up and take control of the planet and there almost there.... thanks bush and com.
  7. cheer's but the in search of dumbshit climbing partners posts go in a different forum
  8. whirlwind

    this forum is

    supper gay makes me want to move to new york and spoon with e-rock
  9. i think the point was to learn from the mistakes and not make them again, shit if we are no better off, when it comes to how we treat one another, than we were 50+yrs ago then we are in big truble and the whole civil rights movement, in the 60's btw, realy was a sham
  10. whirlwind


    i dont think many, if any, 12yr olds have nose pirceings but i could be wrong
  11. 1) we're not discussing the merits of one war versus another, but measures of success in the war's execution. 2) there were some poorly planned and executed battles or dubious strategy in WWII with a huge loss of American life. 1) you started the comparison 2)true but once again the objective was finnaly met, we are running in circles in iraq and afganistan, and trying to escalae things in other countries.
  12. The success or failure of a war, or how well it is run, is not exclusively tied to the number of casualties in absolute terms. i agree and thats the point. but if it where a sucess in this situation there would be less civil casualties and less rebuilding of infostructure, we bomed the fuck out of a country in which most of its army serendered in the onset of the battle
  13. you cant compair iraq to any ww if you remeber wwI we were pretty much begged to jion and wwII we were attacked, although it may be the start of wwIII, vietnam and korea were a waste of lives too. we suposedly went in to iraq t o help, now its blow to shit, god only knows how man civl died, last i heard was like 120,000 iraq's and that was awhile ago, and most of the world hates what we have done, we hate whats happen, our eleced officals fucked up and they need to take resposiblity one way or another, btw all wars are utter fallures, unless you are deffending youself.
  14. a c or a c+ in school is ok but in war it means lots of dead people which is never aceptable get A clue
  15. ye nah be winin, ye gold i be spendin, wemen, rum an puddin. me mates they be doin things they shouldnt.
  16. all day ye be swabin me deck, baked by the sun. as me ship she be making the sweet ocean spray while we run, the brittish fleet, nah she be catching us this day
  17. double date.. hook a brother up
  18. I'll never forget them doing banking turns at vantage. it was bad ass the come flying in low then pull up and over the canjon wall, geting the heli straight vertical then fliping around and come straight back the way they came not once but like 3 times, it was bad ass
  19. whirlwind

    Road Rage

    should watch the prison escape one now thats funny
  20. whirlwind

    Masticated Gear

    mastication is cool though i think im gona masticate my "gear"
  21. whirlwind


    thats bullshit, that probly why they banned the word bullshit
  22. when i first saw the tube i though it said lesbian, brings a whole new meaning when your thinking chaped lips... owch.
  23. whirlwind


    i call bullshit, serious, bullshit is such a bullshit word to ban. i wonder if they baned the word bull and shit as well, like fuck dude i steped in bull shit, or hey dude their is bull shit on ur shoe, or is it just when you say bullshit, like that dude is full of bullshit, of cource he could be full of bull shit as well but thats kinda gross.
  24. bingo
  25. whirlwind

    Masticated Gear

    not good, its pretty acidic, better ask cbs
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