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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. look ma, i dont need no stinkin stairs
  2. i got some free time gear, and a car squamish? index? give me a shout WW
  3. kinda a cool idea for sneaking beer or what ever into games and clubs, when you walk out 15lbs liter you can just say you 've been on the subway diet if any one gives you a hard time.
  4. sure, i have fri sat sun day off, 7th -9th. u still have my number?
  5. sat sunday next weekend washington pass?
  6. shit oi didn't see this post but im down any time
  7. give me a holla i got room
  8. where ever we're not getting rained on. looking to climb trad mostly, single or muilti. will climb or atleast try any dificulty, can lead 9's and ten's(depending on the route) want to get more soild on tens and break into 11's this yr. got lots of gear, a car that works sometimes , and money to split gas.
  9. whirlwind

    car problems

    i could probly rebuild it but i dont have all the tools needed, from the sounds of it you might be better off putting a new engine in, try echoads.com i've quite afew early 70's vws, rebuilt engines or good engines in a wrecked car type of thing
  10. there are some awsome cracks in the lower gorge as well i don't really know their names, cuel sister? blood clot vector are the only ones i've done.
  11. whirlwind

    car problems

    so instead of climbing i did, probly a more responsible thing this weekend, i worked on my car. but now i feel like a dumb ass, the car has been running like hell for the last mounth or so, today i actually made an effort to fix it and it turns out that by tighting a few lose screws that hold upper part of the carb to the lower part, and making sure all the vacume lines were on and fairly tight and wire brushing the spark plugs that were very very carboned up, that the friggin car purrs for the most part. like i said i feel pretty dumb now it took me like 3 hours of trial and error and now i can drive. the stupid cars been pretty much sittin for a mounth. now i just need to fix the transmisson in my other car, boy thats going to be fun
  12. well i didn't make it i worked on my car instead, hope the weather and climbing was good for ya.
  13. i think im going to try for index i'll be the one on the really loud bike Eric
  14. how much? oh btw i have a motor cycle but no endorsment i rock
  15. ride my motorcycle squamish doesnt sound so bad actually as far as climbing goes im not sure, i need to get my lead head back, probly stick to 9's and low 10's, but i'll follow anything.
  16. library= only place it is ok to hang out and not buy anything and its warm inside... duh
  17. this is true. i now have a licence and no car lol for the first time this year, you must be phycic and stuff
  18. ok so spellings my weakness, this should be fairly obvious (see)
  19. so im an absolute, sweet
  20. GBD : gay bridal dance, you know when to dude get married thier either both brides and have a GBD both groms and have a GCJ gay circle jerk or ones a bride and ones a grom and they just have a dance
  21. me or him?
  22. there's no reason, theres no compromse . changing seasons, living the high life. i don't know you so don't freak on me. i can't control you,your not my destiny i'll confess this, your my tragedy. i need you to rest just, as fast as you turned on me
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