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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. shit bout time, the us car industry needs to catch up with the rest of the world, there is no reason for a new car to come on the market and not get 40mpg (in the city)and have low emissions we have the technologies already time to emplement them.
  2. whirlwind


    i like the thread link: I DA HO; archenemy
  3. This, perhaps, explains what may be a touchy subject for you, Pink. It is a woman's clitoris that is most often correlated to a man's penis. Mebbee you could benefit from paying more attention to this feature on a woman. Pray for opportunity to extend courtesies to "the little man in the boat". only becuase the dude can't reach the G spot. what up..
  4. whirlwind

    i think...

    ye ha. i finnally got a computer and hopefully will have a shit ton of free time this summer to climb, and i will actually have some reliable transportation for the first time in a few years. so its on...
  5. kinda surprising, though not really, as they say history was written by the victors. how many things do you think have been obscured through the years im sure there are plenty. people in power get to basiclly control history by writing there version of the present, and spreading it all the while surpressing all other versions, how do you think our great grandkids are gona be exposed to our curent issuse/ furture history? im sure it'll will depend on the turn out of the war.
  6. whirlwind

    i think...

    well muff my ears must have been burning, i sure know soming else was.. i think i'll upload a video and charge a shiny quarter to see it. thanks tvash
  7. whirlwind

    i think...

    my penis actually got longer.. i guess all that pulling on it finally paid off. for those of you expecting something more profound, sorry in advance. peace
  8. ill takethe shoesand any camsor nuttsthast are left
  9. hes an idea assmonkeys, maybe you should be working while your at work, kindof a novel idea eh.
  10. thanks man, im glade he got them fast.
  11. whirlwind


    romos never gona live that one down
  12. ok ill check a price and get back to you, there urs
  13. oh and sorry no paypal, a check would be fine and shiping depends on how far, cams are not lite i may pay for half shiping,
  14. oh and hexs are size 1-10 on spectra cord
  15. yes thanks bill there are more pic in the link. the purple sling on left is like a #2 bd size, the next 3 are #1 size, next 2 are .75, bothe yellow are about .5 and lastly is about .25 the two on bottom are ridgid friends brand new never placed, size equivalent to .75 and .5
  16. its a biproduct of some industrial proscess i dont know which, ive been told its actually a toxic waste. and suposedily there are test that prove it is.
  17. hers the pics prefer to sell all at once for $160 or 15 a cam 30 for all hexs like i said all are in working order
  18. smaller sizes, eqevalent to 2-.25 bd older metol but still in usable shape, may need new webing on some. best just to come by and check em out if your intrested, i live in bellingham
  19. ok i admit it it was me.. sorry i really had to mark my territory, you know the whole male domanace thing. my bad next time ill try your door step only it'll be in a firery paper bag
  20. whirlwind


    don't give mike any ideas
  21. i didn't check the links so this may be old news but, my friend used creatine for a long period of time, end results yeah he got stonger, got alot bulkier, and also lost endurance (all he did was lift and ride his bike) smelled really bad, that stuff gives you some nasty gas, i've herd from a few people that all it does is allow your cells to hold more water, ie get bulky, maybe thats why people recover faster, fast recovery means you can do more work in a short time. personaly i wouldn't use it but it may have some benifits for muscle recovery after a big work out of competion, but im not a sport doc and am just comenting on what i've seen
  22. kinda fitting that its a german prosicutor, any else find that kinda ironic?
  23. yeah it was perfect, did you catch the look borat gave the camera at one point right before he got out the RV he it was the look like " holy shit he didn't just say that." fing classic
  24. yeah they're just trying to get some money, some of the shit they said though, in the movie , omg.
  25. these guys are freakin morons: frat retards
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