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Everything posted by snoboy

  1. 10 minutes left for my d/l... There is a 3Mb for the bandwidth impaired as well.
  2. haha. It's a really old boring lame joke that really wasn't that funny in the first place...
  3. Glad to see some impartiality and open-mindedness in the media. Real refreshing, not!
  4. I mean it's OK here, but this is just majorly plab!
  5. Oct31 - Black Tusk was OK, but real boney, got the base scratches to prove it. snow was light and fun. Nov 20 - Red heather was GOOD! about 60cm down by the shelter, but the bowls around the high point had a good 1.2 m. stable moist pow. New snow seems to have bonded well to crust.
  6. I am pretty sure that the Giro Nine.9 and one of the Giro bike helmets are from the exact same mold... I don't think I would be comfortable w/ any of the foam helmets for climbing, since I would worry about the problem of a large pointy rock going right through the foam.
  7. Sat: Schralped danky powpow! Sun: Learned how to stay safe in the powpow, courtesy of the CAA workshop, and drank beer w/ M&K.
  8. snoboy

    chat... how?

    Patience young 'un... chat will be back as soon as timmay's masters let him out of the cage. You may not have noticed, but we just went through a softwareupgrade, and a bunch of thiongs like chat have yet to be added back yet...
  9. 'Twas good, you're all gapers for not showing up, with the excepton of those who did of course.
  10. Simple answer... no. Longer answer, nope.
  11. I thought it was more like this: "Hi, the hook riped out of this gaiter the first time I used it...." "Oh, OK, we can fix that for you, it'll take about three weeks." "Uhmm, can you just replace it?" "No." Hmm three weeks, no gaiters, I bought them because I need them... "I'll just do it myself, thanks (for nothing.)" But, they are cheap, and make some reasonably good gear, for budget minded peeps. Just know what you are getting. Thanks for the heads up jordop, I had kinda forgotten about their suck-ass service.
  12. Taiga, in Vancouver BC, has some Gore jackets for CDN$179 and CDN$129, new...
  13. I am so freakin' excited... ! w0000t!
  14. snoboy

    ASCII Art V.2.0

  15. Yeah, but they get cool s#$% like this:
  16. snoboy

    good things to know

    Sometimes "that dish is really hot," means that it is actually really hot and will burn you. (don't ask)
  17. Don't forget that they put major clauses on the leases/sales of their now closed buildings making sure that nobody can use them to compete against them for ages after they shut down... Free market my ass. Oh yeah, what about the corporate welfare? Wal Mart workers on food stamps because they don't get paid enough to live? Whatever way you slice it, things are pretty f$%^ed. I would like to move to Canada... oh wait.
  18. I'd consider it if they'd have me. What, you prefer looking at stormbound granite to actually climbing???
  19. snoboy

    good things to know

    rubber side down
  20. snoboy

    Happy Happy Joy Joy

  21. Hmm, I guess this kind of shoots down the theory that the Staff is the real power behind the "puppet prez" then, eh?
  22. Run! Run! Why? I don't understand why all these people are resigning? Is it to disassociate with Bush so they can get back in on the next round in 4 years??? I am truly
  23. Oh, yes bring it on... please do jinx RuMR...
  24. I like my Borea, kind of. The probe pocket, and shovel pocket, and decent size all rock. Lose the foam sitting pad. The way it carrys skis is really weird though. Maybe they have fixed that since I got mine. I don't think it has snowboard straps. I kept it Borea for avalanche control days because we have to have our shovel (all metal objects actually) seperate from the bombs, and I don't like having it on the outside of the pack. I just use a Serratus Genie for day tours now mostly. I'm sure any simple pack with daisys, and compression straps should answer your needs frosty. How about something like the MEC Brio 25? 2lbs 1oz, 50 bucks CDN.
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