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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. E-rock

    check it!

    I just had a flashback to when a friend of mine sent me this picture via email as a joke and it was right around the time that I was really questioning my... oh nevermind.
  2. quote: Originally posted by iain: what's in a yellow wrapper? Mr. Goodbar? Peanut M&M's. Sometimes I get fucked cuz they put the plain ones in with the peanut so I don't get my protein.
  3. Fuck Fern, I'm reaching end of quarter burnout I'm either grumpy or sarcastic all the time and I can't get a goddamn fucking thing done tonight and I have a paper due tomorrow afternoon. I'm behind on hours which means I'll be working throught the weekend and the only excercise I get is the mile and a half ride up Capitol Hill around midnight every night. I could have written a paper in the time I've spent here doign nothing, I can't wait to go visit my folks for thanksgiving. I'm gonna eat good cookin, ride horses, and see a dear friend, but that's shit less than a week away! [ 11-21-2002, 11:38 PM: Message edited by: E-rock ]
  4. Hey yeah now things are looking up, thanks lammy.
  5. When I finally emerge from my cave of an office in a month and a half, with a new understanding of boundary element and finite element models, and a sore back from slouching in my coffee stained desk chair, I want to go climbing with another human being, if they're still out there, I can't even tell anymore, the whole world is on the other side of an IE window and it looks sad and bleak. I'd also like to get a dinner that's not out of a vending machine in a yellow wrapper. Maybe I'll even go skiing if it ever snows again. This is the most I've typed for the past two hours... oh God if you exist please help me....
  6. You're right I do hate all men, but I don't climb, which is what make me "better" than climbers.
  7. TLG, you are hardly one to criticize other's spelling. Please spell that word that means "to jack off". Try to imagine yourself speaking or writing in that tone to one of your male friends. A little sensitive tonight, "Dry-tool" boy. [ 11-12-2002, 11:00 PM: Message edited by: E-rock ]
  8. Muchas Gracias [ 11-12-2002, 10:03 PM: Message edited by: E-rock ]
  9. Matt, I have a 1990 Subaru Legacy Wagon. I use it for everything, including my field work in Death Valley. In April, I spent the entire month driving all over steep alluvial fans on unmaintained roads that cross a number of washes. I probably drove more miles of rugged dirt road in that month than I have in the last 3 years combined elsewhere. I did have problems from time to time with bottoming-out and my oil pan has some dents to show for it. In general I could have avoided 90% of the craters (and I got better as the month went on) if I slowed down, improved my technique, chose a good line, and got out to move the occasional oversized rock. That being said, bottoming was not unavoidable in some situations. However, I have not experienced a FS road yet that I could not navigate cleanly. The newer Outbacks have a bit better clearance and I may have avoided all of my scrapes in Death Valley with one. If I was used to a high clearnce truck my Subie might piss me off, but it hasn't. If you want a beater, I used to have an '82 subaru hatch-back that was indestructible. I could do 60 on sketchy dirt roads and not worry if I scraped a little, they don't make 'em like that anymore.
  10. I just read this thread (don't know why), and it just sounds to me like some misogynists (read: greenfork, thelawgod, et. al), wanted to boss a girl around because they think they're better. Get over yourselves gentlemen, people get overly excited sometimes. [ 11-12-2002, 11:05 PM: Message edited by: E-rock ]
  11. I can already hear Mtngoat and Puget's responses: 22 people dead is not genocide, even if they are members of one race or culture being targeted for extermination by another. If you can demonstrate that smaller massacres like this example contribute over time to a net decrease in the population of that race or culture, then THAT's genocide, and I'm not saying that it's not... just that anecdotes as evidence of racial extermination are much like people in the Mid-West basing their opinion of Global Warming on one unseasonably hot summer. [ 11-12-2002, 07:09 PM: Message edited by: E-rock ]
  12. Oh yeah caveman had a good point about introducing your pup to other dogs. It pays off big time. Take your dog to the dog park often from an early age and see how it interacts. It's fun to watch and your dog will love you for it. [ 11-12-2002, 07:05 PM: Message edited by: E-rock ]
  13. I think another important issue to consider is the neutering of males. I've know a few dog owners who refused to neuter their dogs, because they felt it was the responsibility of other owners to spay their bitches (couldn't reisist ). While this may in theory be a good idea to prevent unwanted puppies (if everyone follows it), it is not a good idea for male dog interactions. One friend of mine complained how his dog always got in fights with other dogs that still had their balls. I asked him why he didn't get his dog fixed and he responded that his dog wouldn't be able to go hiking with him anymore . As if a dog needs its balls to hike and climb. Dogs are territorial and male dogs will fight if they still have the jewels. If people need a studly dog, perhaps they should train it to perform the marital duties as well. [ 11-12-2002, 06:45 PM: Message edited by: E-rock ]
  14. E-rock

    Watch it GregW

    You're walking a thin line over there on Round 1 buster
  15. E-rock

    You guys suck

    dammit [ 11-08-2002, 12:56 PM: Message edited by: E-rock ]
  16. E-rock

    You guys suck

    Seriously guys I just post here cuz i'm sorta stupid and uhh bored and stuff. If everybody said smart useful things I'd have, uhh... like only spray to look at but now that I think about it that's wehre most of the psts are anywayss... {edited out last line because it actually sounded like I meant it} [ 11-08-2002, 12:58 PM: Message edited by: E-rock ]
  17. E-rock

    You guys suck

    FreeClimb9, You're a long ways from the PNW climbing community to be criticizing MattP as a whiner. You probably have very little idea of how well respected he is around here. Stop jumping on the caveman bandwagon and listen to what the man has to say, it can only improve this board. Caveman, you contribute nothing, the fact that you know MattP somewhat legitimizes your criticisms, but the past two days you've come across like a snivling little boy. "Wah, erik wants to kick me off the board" "Wah, MattP started iiiittttt." Sounds like fence sitter's rubbing off on you.
  18. Nobody said last year was going to be El Nino.
  19. quote: Originally posted by ScottP: What with all of this snapping and snarling and pontificating and proselytizing about nothing more than media-induced perception, I would like to know if anyone has any concrete examples of how any of this political shit you keep dragging out and beating each other with is going to affect your lives personally. Just curious, because you all are acting like it's some big fuckin deal. Complacency in politics gets us nowhere. If George Bush can appoint judges who will make insane rulings that uphold the legality of arrests for minor traffic offenses, then that DOES affect my life immensely even if I never do get arrested. If he now has a Congress that will not challenge his appointments, that affects me, whether or not I ever go to court. I want to live under a system that has the potential to be fair when I need it most.
  20. I've got some CD's from a band out of Orem called Puri-Do. They were one of Utah's best bands, and some of their old members are currently playing in some of the best bands in SLC. They were bunch a queer moron kids who made albums full of sick lyrics about masturbation and gay sex and satan. Truly hilarious shit. Our sons don't fuck your sons... No they don't They just keep in in their pants and they work with revelations
  21. Ah fuckit the demonstration didn't work. [ 11-04-2002, 06:56 PM: Message edited by: E-rock ]
  22. Cavey hurt my feelings. P.S. I think 'bilers are the hottest most rugged men on the planet. Everytime I see one, I wanna get my hands and tounge inside their greasy one-pieces and get nasty till we pass out from the fumes. [ 10-29-2002, 12:50 PM: Message edited by: E-rock ]
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