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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. Just to be a dick, The music sucks in both movies, the script sucks in both movies, the frantic pace of both movies sucks, and the movies just overall SUCK. Pull your heads out of your asses. Books are better. On a more serious note, check out the Revelstoke thread. It appears that one of the Avalanche victims was the original Burton pro snowboarder Craig Kelly
  2. Any loss to an avalanche is sad, but this one is an especially big loss. Craig Kelly was the Scott Schmidt of snowboarding.
  3. That's not the famous Craig Kelly, the pro snowboarder who guides at Bald Face near Nelson, is it?
  4. Why is it that it took TWO movies for people to realize that the Lord of the Rings movies SUCK? But the bitch of it is, as Greg says, I will pay to see the last. However, I WILL NOT pay to see the last Star Wars film.
  5. Dru, maybe I am confused. We used to do a yearly pilgremage from SLC to Nelson that takes about 14 hours by car. One year we went to Roger's instead and driving nonstop it took nearly 24 hours, and that included a wait in Galena Bay for the ferry. That's where I got my 10 hours from. I'm sure it's probably less, but I really doubt that you can do the drive from Nelson to Revelstoke in 2 hours during the winter. If you can, than I've missed out on some fun in Roger's Pass for no reason on more than one occasion. I just realized I am confused. We stopped and toured around Whitewater for the day on our way to Revelstoke on that trip. So it takes ten hours if you want to ski at Whitewater before continuing on, which is what you SHOULD do if you're heading that way anyway.
  6. Ehmmic, ther is a b.c. hut near the Durrand Glacier called the Durrand Glacier Chalet. Unless your friends said that this was where they were going it was not them. There are several huts simlar to this near Nelson (which is nearly a 10 hour drive away from revelstoke). However, as an example of another media misrepresentation of b.c. skiing, the victims were not heli-skiing. This hut, like most others in the South Columbias is merely accessed via helicopter. Once you arrive, you ski for a week on your own.
  7. Has anyone been out making turns? I haven't been out since the beginning of the month and I'm starting to wonder if it'll ever snow again. My partner and I keep making plans and cancelling because it never snows and we're spoiled Wasatch snobs. Is anything going into a corn cycle? Is the snowpack deep enough to ski in the mid-elevation trees or are we still limited to the alpine? I suppose I should get out and look around myself but I'm suffering from severe lack of motivation.
  8. Fucking Eagles. It coulda been an Illy-Oakland rematch. Instead the Bucs are gonna get slaughtered next week by a real football team.
  9. Nevermind
  10. Orem is a cancer that kills Orchards Burn all my journals! Burn all my journals! Goodbye Utah Valley You'll be shit ugly! You'll be shit ugly! -Puri-do
  11. Thanks freeclimb for targeting me with your grumpy attitude. I do know quite a bit about what I'm "spraying about" since I've spent much time in the City. First off, many of us in Salt Lake used to joke that the City was one of Utah's climbing areas because of its proximity to SLC (closer than Moab) and the large number of Salt Lake climbers you meet there. In fact one of the older guidebooks even mentions something to this effect. Also, I never called it a "sport-climbing" area I was just responding to Beaver Joe's experience (sport) and interest (City of Rocks). My friends and I would often remark that the sport routes had more character (as far as interesting moves) than in places like BCC, Maple Canyon, or even American Fork, which I admit is an opinion so therefore can not be wrong or right. As a crack climbing area I don't think it's all that great compared to say, Indian Creek. I was not commenting on the scenery, so sorry if I overlooked one of your personal favorites. My partner and I felt that the finishes on many routes there were left sparsely bolted near the top on moves that were not trivial in camparison to a route's crux (what I meant by hard moves). CIty of Rocks DOES have a reputation for runouts, regardless of your intestinal fortitude. Take a chill man, it's only climbing, sorry if I misrepresented YOUR area, I'm sure if you described the ski touring in the Cottonwoods I could find plenty to knit-pick and disagree with, but I wouldn't bother. Sheesh.
  12. It musta been Shirly because it didn't look R/X but I didn't get to see what the placements looked like.
  13. City of rocks is rainy in the spring, beautiful early summer, hot late summer, windy in the fall, and cold and snowy in the winter. The granite sport climbs there range from slabby to steep and juggy, with more character than most of the other sport climbing areas in Utah (CoR is considered part of Utah by Utards). The granite is similar to Leavenworth in some ways but very unique in others. There's always a flat, sandy or grassy place to sit in the shade. But right now, you would probably just suffer. Most routes end with a healthy runnout on difficult moves.
  14. Holy shit, home-boy cruised it.
  15. Hey Highlander, did you ever check to see what route that was that we watched that guy climb at the end of the day?
  16. E-rock


    Plexus, if it's a small whip IF the sliders PULL, it's also a small whip if you don't place the sliders, same dif.
  17. The shaggs are legends. If you can get a hold of the old vinyl you're stoked. I can't belive there's shaggs fans on this site!
  18. Sent you a pm, but it's not showing up in my sent folder, so I'm not sure if you got it.
  19. E-rock


    DFA = the voice of Satan, look I'm still here because of you.
  20. E-rock


    I'd try it without the bolt. Probably the BEST place for an OW is in a classic hand-crack area. It's going to see more traffice than it ever would were it off by itself somewhere, or next to a bunch of other wide cracks. Small whippers are part of life.
  21. E-rock


    Interesting that you should bring up Afghanistan in a discussion of the Scarlet Letter which was intended more as a criticism of Mcarthyism (sp) than of as a literal criticism of the salem witch trials. But now that I wrote this what the fuck is my point, witches bad, Mcarthy bad, Afghanistan bad. I'm going to work.
  22. E-rock


    Holy shit I've never seen that, I'm renting it tonight.
  23. E-rock


    Goddamn it GregW that's 2 days in a row you've beat me to the punch with the same response as mine.
  24. E-rock


    The PURITANS dude, they burned witches and killed injuns and shit.
  25. Bronco, Libra owned me for a little while this summer. You just gotta go for it and plug in green, purple, red, one, two, three as fast as you're moving. No need for tape if you're climbing it right, which is fast, that's the key. I went thumbs up, but others say thumbs down. And get your right foot up and cammed in there ASAP. Ignore the feeling that you're gonna grease. After the red is in it's over. I agree that Libra-Pisces is a classic pitch.
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