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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. make sure you give thing 1 a geology lesson to go along with it, and put a little action figure on the side to perpetrate like it's a climber.
  2. Sometimes I let my partners lead.
  3. Turn the pan upside down and pound on counter-top. I realize that my posts are getting a bit sappy and personal for a public forum so I'm going back and editing. Could you please edit my quote out of your last post.
  4. Technical difficulties [ 10-20-2002, 04:31 PM: Message edited by: E-rock ]
  5. Is fred meyer the most PC place to buy a plant? I dont know the ethics behind house plants, but I certainly will tonight on my way to pick up my roomie at the airport. [ 10-20-2002, 04:44 PM: Message edited by: E-rock ]
  6. I left my only two house plants in Salt Lake City with a friend. She's nursing them back to health. My favorite of the two I left on the window sill in June two years ago when it looked like it was going to rain. But sometimes the storms get really ugly and the wind blew like mad while I was at work and it hailed all over my poor plant that landed in the front yard. The window sill I left it on was in the BACK of the house. [ 10-20-2002, 04:45 PM: Message edited by: E-rock ]
  7. Lesson in parenting number 1 complete. I saw a couple about 2 weeks ago crossing the street with their child. The father was pushing the kid in the stroller and made an attempt to cross 45th (busy street) while the crossing signal was flashing. The mother hollered at him, "where are you going?!". Made me realize the instinct inherent in mother. If I was the father I probably would have gone for it without thinking twice. But the mom knew better. [ 10-20-2002, 04:45 PM: Message edited by: E-rock ]
  8. Thing 1 is that what you name your childrens? Actually that's kinda cute.
  9. My guess would be mix 1/2 corstarch 1/2 water. Put it in a meat loaf pan, or other deep flat dish. Let dry. Viola.... my master's project is complete. Please email me your results, I'm a lazy student. Someday when I have children I may be asking for your help over the internet Not feeling very clever today
  10. Hey muff, back at work, how did your experiment go?
  11. You can read it in Science next month.
  12. WHAT??? I was scooped! I'm doing that experiment for my thesis.
  13. Good night everyone, it's been fun (a better substitute for climbing than I had hoped). And Muffy, the uniformitarian debate I think is one of the more interesting ones in scientific philosophy. One of the big questions that my old Sed-Stat professor used to like to ask was: Is the sedimentary record representative of normal sedimentary events, or are only the really BIG events preserved? Food for thought... The sahara desert sands are on the order of tens of meters thick. The Navajo sandstone is on the order of 100 to 1000m thick.
  14. quote: Originally posted by iain: I believe columnar basalt cracks in hexagonals mirroring the underlying crystal lattice structure formed from Si MG and O2. Microscopic structure reconstructed at the macro level. Just got back from climbing on some slightly andesitic basalt (beacon baby beacon!) Nice try, Iain but, it's not. The mineralogy of Basalt is totally random (and primarily Ca-Feldspar anyway, which isn't hexagonal). Columnar jointing has nothing to do with the macroscopic expression of the internal micro-structure. But I can see how people might think so. [ 10-20-2002, 12:09 AM: Message edited by: E-rock ]
  15. Most basalt is columnar, meaning it has vertical cracks. As the basaltic lava cools it must contract. It's quite easy for it to contract in the vertical direction, the flow merely gets "shorter" or thinnner as it cools. However, in the horizontal dimensions it cannot "shrink" because the flow is too large to overcome the shear stresses at it's base, therefore it cracks into collumns to accomodate the contraction due to cooling. Why these things crack into such perfectly polygonal shapes is not understood, and rather counter-intuitive when thought about from the perspective of fracture propogation (i.e. once a fracture starts propogating it should continue indefinitely in the direction that it initiated until intersecting a barrier). The second link I gave outlines the SJ Gould article rather well, but it's not nearly as well written. I'm leaving it up to Fern to find a copy of the original. I'm tired and going home. Gonna stop in my office to lock up and say good-night then I'm outta here.
  16. Hah hah, I found the article in Spanish and Google does an automatic translation that's funny to read
  17. SK, I don't drink anymore. I got in a lot of trouble and did some very stupid things while extremely shit-faced. I almost got kicked out of school.
  18. Here's another good link. Still not what I'm looking for though.
  19. Oops looks at thought Panda's thumb is a book. But the article was originally published in a zine. Keep trying...
  20. I found something from this website which looks like an assignment for a geology class. Now I'll try to find the actual article. For an additional popular interpretation of debates over the Scablands see Stephen Jay Gould, "The Great Scablands Debate," essay published in The Panda's Thumb (Norton, 1980), pp. 194-203.
  21. quote: Originally posted by fern: I tried to google the SJ Gould article on the channeled scablands and only found a creationist website. Does any one else remember when the Flaming Lips played the Peach Pit After Dark? "You know I'm not much of a fan of alternative music but they really rocked!" - Steve Sanders, Beverly Hills 90210 Yeah I remember that. That was great, I was a huge 90210 fan back then. I WASN't however a Flaming Lips fan (that was when they had their one minor hit Tangerine or Vaseline, can't remember name). Took me years to figure out that Wayne and Co., did the 90210 thing as a goof because they couldnt' believe they were actually ASKED. For the longest time (when i was young and cared of such things) the Lips weren't "cool" to me, becuase of that. I wish I had a videotape of that episode. I'll try finding that SJ Gould article, do you know what magazine he wrote his monthly articles in? It was one of those if i remember correctly.
  22. quote: Originally posted by Muffy The Wanker Sprayer: quote:Originally posted by E-rock: Christ muff, you're a chronic wanker already My other avatar is alomst a spray lord... I think I need my own special member status "Highest spray rate in town"
  23. quote: Originally posted by Muffy The Wanker Sprayer: you are suposed to be working young man... and then talking with ME at 11: Think of it as a smoke break
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