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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. K, P.C. is way LAMER than SLC. WAAAAY. There are actually interstin' cool folks in SLC. P.C. is frat-boy, dry-hump, hippy jam band hell.
  2. Man, good thing I'm leaving in a month. Whew, bit the bullet on that one I tell ya.
  3. E-rock

    KEXP expands range

    She wasn't saying that. She improperly quoting Harry Pi. Trust me, she likes KEXP.
  4. E-rock

    KEXP expands range

    I know who you are, sucka!
  5. E-rock

    Lost on Me...

    Sophia Coppola is hardly riding on the coattails of her famous father. I would even argue that she's surpassed him as an artist (anybody see Dracula ?). She looked awkward, uncomfortable and out-of-place at the oscars, hardly the stature of an opportunistic glory-hound. She was the only person who spoke of "art" in all of the boring, self-congratulatory acceptance speeches of oscar night. Her screenplay was as brilliant, subtle, and realistic as anyone could ever come to expect from a film.
  6. On tuesday morning KEXP will start broadcasting on 91.7 to Tacoma and Olympia. Just heard it on the station. Hope this improves your radio dial down south there.
  7. E-rock


    Is that Stonehead???!!!!
  8. E-rock


    The original post is obviously cut and pasted off of some lonely, misogynistic white-man's blog, Stonehead. Stop taking it so seriously. Or are you a lonely, misogynistic white man?
  9. E-rock


    Wow! Dating = Prostitution. Who'da thunk! Hey Ladies, start buyin' the meals once in a while you whores!
  10. Modest Mouse "Doin the Cockroach". Let the classic rock rest in peace. The world has been making good music in the 30 years since then.
  11. What are you saying???!!!! HUH mother fucker!!!???? that my ex-girlfriend with the stupid-ass tatoo isn't hot????!!! I'll smack your curly head on the upside, beeatch!
  12. I had a girlfriend a couple years ago who had "RELIANT" on the small of her back in ghetto calligraphy. I thought it was so stupid I never asked her about it and I NEVER did her from behind. Tatoos are sooo 1999.
  13. GRRRRRRRRRR! Hope you're having a GREAT time.
  14. It's an interesting question that I don't think has easy answers. Alternative energy does not entail solar alone. But society did manage to ship before internal combustion engines. We used the wind. I'm not saying that we should go back to wooden boats braving the high seas for spices, but I do think that the loss of oil-powered locomotion which is slowly beginning to occur will drive innovation. Perhaps economies in the future will have to become more locally centered in order to support a society that can't ship large quanitities of goods large distances, but that doesn't mean society will end. Like it or not, we are burning all the oil, and one day it WILL all be gone. If you think this will cause the "end of society" and extinction of humanity merely by the loss of a single resource, than you're ignoring the majority of human history. We cannot sustain at our current rates of consumption, nor at our current populations levels (probably) but we can move forward without oil.
  15. Because we're still using oil, duh. You just argued yourself in a circle.
  16. Our society would not "cease to exist" if we didn't have any more oil. The alternative technology already exists. But old, fat, bald, evil, rich men control the world's oil supply and the US gov't and get fatter, balder, and eviler (in know it's not a word) by selling and controlling oil. Society would move right along fine without these goons. However, if you consider the right to snowmobile and drive a compensator to be our "society" then perhaps you're right. Cut off all oil. Right now. And see what happens. So now we're reducing the argument down to an impossible, hypothetical scenario? How about if the Yellowstone Caldera erupted next week? (a more likely hypothetical scenario). THEN we'll see if society ceases to exist. Oil ISN'T as important as we all make it out to be.
  17. Our society would not "cease to exist" if we didn't have any more oil. The alternative technology already exists. But old, fat, bald, evil, rich men control the world's oil supply and the US gov't and get fatter, balder, and eviler (in know it's not a word) by selling and controlling oil. Society would move right along fine without these goons. However, if you consider the right to snowmobile and drive a compensator to be our "society" then perhaps you're right.
  18. Hey Timm@y! How much rain did you guys get down there in the "secret-powder-stash" we all know as OREGON? Bwahahaha
  19. We can't even get alternative energy off the ground in the US. Bush is blowing sunshine up everyone's ass when he talks about Hydrogen Cells. It's a fucking pipe dream considering our current energy system. And Nuclear power isn't going to solve any problems either. We already tried in the 50's, 60's, and 70's, remember? Alternative energy, and forward thinking leaders are our future, not failed energy sources from the past, and cars that aren't being built.
  20. Hey Superman.... DUH. You guys are the ones who need to be answering questions. Not detractors of the war.
  21. Eat it Beotches. The season is OVER. I skied the last powder in the cascades. Weep, losers. You fucks in Oregon don't even know what powder is!
  22. E-rock


    It's sad to me that I even know of that let alone that I've actually rated poo But have you submitted poo to be rated?
  23. it is NOT a human rights issue, marriage is NOT a basic human right, any way you look at it if you want to stuff your schlong into some dudes colon, do it on your own time, in your own bedroom, and i dont want to know about it. dont expect the rest of society to celebrate your gayness or support your attmepts to subvert state law in the name of human rights. Lars, you made just as much sense when you posted as Metalhead_Mojo. People like you are wonderful because it's your type of zealotry that is rapidly tearing apart the politics of the right. Keep up the good fight man, you're changing a lot of minds, just not the ones you think you're changing.
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