I am still, after all the crap from both sides, at a loss of understanding on why Iraq has anything to do with 9/11. I completely agree that we have to attack the fucks behind that and other terrorist attacks, and hit them hard. I think Iraq has only served to isolate us more and direct attention away from the real problem. The commission stated the obvious: that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Bush's big mistake was not taking the good will that the world gave us following 9/11 and using it to really hit these bastards where it hurts. We had an opportunity (I believe) to really unite the world around rooting this shit out. Afghanistan was the correct start. The Taliban needed to go. They WERE harboring these guys and supporting them. Sadaam was not. Going after him for Bush's persona vendata, oil, or whatever you view the reason as, has only pissed others off. It's not a matter of our safety, it's a matter of us not taking the best course of action to get the end we want.