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Everything posted by JoshK

  1. JoshK

    Got MILF?

    Umm, we were talking about milf in college, back when i was young, in like '89/90... but good luck on the royalties... --cd. Must've done a lot of drugs too since you can't fucking read dumbass.
  2. Where do we get locked out? I hardly considering restricting road access the same as being locked out. It's great that there are areas that are hard to get to. The tradoff of not having the area used for development or logging is well worth it, IMHO.
  3. OMG, this is fucking hilarious!
  4. JoshK

    Got MILF?

    I have to imagine the two complainees are suburban driving soccer moms.
  5. Oh there is a story in there It's up to bone if he wants to bring it up again tho. I think it qualifies as a cc.com classic.
  6. JoshK

    Stupid House

    Good response, thanks FW. I do agree with the statement that the gay movement can sometimes be in your face. Personally I don't care to see a gay pride bumper sticker. I relate it to me driving around with a "I screw chicks" bumper sticker. It's really not their business or mine. On the other hand, I do think it's that natural disdain they have to be extra vocal to overcome. Back in the day, there was a disdain for other races in this country by a large percentage of the population. The civil rights movement had to be loud and demanding to get their message through. I think the gay movement faces the same uphill battle. I strongly believe it is not the right of the rest of us to look down on them. I have a gay Aunt and several gay friends all of who are incredibly wonderful people. They don't fit the typical gay stereotype, but they obviously still want to push hard for equal rights. It's just how their geneology works...some people end up gay, but most of us do not. What scares me is our country making laws and judgements based on somebody's "morals" about an issue that doesn't effect them. Obviously morals against killing people, raping, etc. are common sense for most sane people. Having the rights of citizens impinged on by somebody's "christian values" is out of whack.
  7. I've been too lazy to DL my pics, but here are a few from Dave's camera.
  8. JoshK

    Stupid House

    Fairweather... 1.)Why is state's rights so important to the right wing? As you said, the civil war changed things forever, and it should have. The country is a much better place than it was before. Should the south have the right to re-institute slavery? I mean, seriously, if they feel it's acceptable, why shouldn't they be able to? 2.Why does gay marriage bother the right wing so much? They are people to. Marriage is a religious institution, not a governmental one. Mating is a natural institution, not a governmental one. Change governmental recognition of marriage into a business only deal and let people express themselves religiously and in unity however they want.
  9. Fairweather, what is so bad about designating a new wilderness area? If you like the outdoors, why not protect it from getting logged, etc...?
  10. Yeah, that guy Todd is cool, he's always been very friendly. I have recieved somewhat arrogant service at one point, but it was a while ago, and I dont remembery by who. Other than that, nothing but friendly treatment. Merv, store owners have the right to put up whatever they like. If you don't like their political beliefs go somewhere else. Obviously they value getting bush beat and conserving some land over getting business with you and your kind.
  11. JoshK

    Got MILF?

    I had the nastiest run-in with a cougar at a bar a few years ago. I was in there with a fake idea and some lady who must have been 50 told me I could sit on her lap when I complained to a nearby friend there weren't any chairs. I laughed it off but she literally insisted. Nasty At that same bar sometime before some lady who literally looked like ursula from the little mermaid started hitting on me big time. This was after my jackass friend told her I was in the marines, which she apparently liked, in order to get her to harass me. Great friends.
  12. JoshK

    Got MILF?

    I take it you're kidding, cause that phrase has been around for much longer than that.
  13. JoshK

    Stupid House

  14. JoshK

    Stupid House

    I prefer a wild west duel if you don't mind. I've always thought that gunplay was a great way to solve verbal arguments. It's all about honor! Well, and pretending to be an internet bully - nothing says Balls like threats of physical violence! Nothing gets the chicks like physical violence! In middle school I beat the crap out of some poor kid in the name of chick-getting! I figure if it work in middle school, it'll definitely work in the real world!
  15. Yeah, I'm with ya. AAs are too big for the small players tho, but I'd be willing to sacrifice some size for taht. the niMH AAs are up to 2300mah, which is really good. The spare li-ion is $35, which is too much, but worth it for the convienence. 15 hours is too short for a climbing player. Gotta keep the musak going for those 30 hour pushes! BTW, also check out the creative Zen Touch if you are interested in a large jukebox player. I think a non-apple player finally solved the UI issues that the iPod "wheel" does so well. They somehow have managed to double the life of standard players as well, they claim 24 hours versus the standard 12-14. I think it'll probably use the same removable rechargable. It should be out within a few weeks. -josh
  16. Yes, you wont see me trodding up the hill holding a conversation. I don't like seeing others doing it either, but for some of us it's a nescessary evil, and if it makes the GF much more settled, I'm willing to do it. I hear ya about others. There are times when I'm in a place very remote and I get pretty annoyed just seeing other people. I realize it's not fair since they have no less right than me, but it's a natural reaction
  17. JoshK

    Stupid House

    I prefer a wild west duel if you don't mind. I've always thought that gunplay was a great way to solve verbal arguments.
  18. JoshK

    Stupid House

    Hey deep thoughts man: somebody already came up with that basic idea. In addition to waxing aggreloquently about it, they took action. They lost the Civil War, and it's been pretty much settled ever since. Bingo. I think greg and his friends don't seem to grasp the fact that things have changed in the past 200+ years. There is a reason our federal control was increased significantly following our early military issues. Thankfully we managed to keep things together enough...
  19. JoshK

    Stupid House

    Regardless of your feelings on the abortion issue, the legal principal behind Roe v. Wade, that you own & control your reproductive rights, I stand by. The republicans (and apparently greg) are for smaller govertment (so they say) until something doesn't jive with their fucked up moral system, then they are all for restricting people's rights. How Greg and them think they have the power to restrict a women's right to choose is beyond me.
  20. JoshK

    Stupid House

    Greg, re-read it you mouth-breather, it says supreme court as well. That is NOT constitutional no matter how bad your states rights anti-womens right, anti-gay redneck ass wants it to be. I'm also curious why you ignoramouses haven't moved out of the 18th century. states rights is a sorry excuse to allow backwards ass places like mississippi and arizona to restrict rights without care for what the nation thinks. We are one nation last time I checked, not a bunch of post-colonial republics.
  21. Ive got la sportiva trango S boots. They fit me great and I can hike forever in them. They climb very well and work great with aluminums. Can't beat the weight either.
  22. If you want a mid-capacity MP3 player that isn't an iPod mini check out the Creative MuVo2 4gb. It has the same storage as an iPod and acts as a USB hard drive so all you do is drag and drop files. It costs over $50 less and has *replaceable* li-ion batteries so you can carry a spare. The lack of that is a huge weakness in the iPod and other li-ion MP3 players. Check it out. -josh
  23. Let's see...the only reason I would carry a bivy is if I showers were a possibility. If the weather was supposed to be bomber I would go out. So with this option you are carrying a fairly heavy bivy that isn't even waterproof. Sounds like a pretty lame idea to me, but that is IMHO.
  24. Some tool at the Mariners game got himself clipped by a frieght train last night, so I guess it isn't just Salem.
  25. While I applaud forward thinking, it's a sad thought. Denver is enough of a dump without getting any bigger.
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