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Everything posted by JoshK

  1. Those of us in the working world need spring breaks too. In fact, I've decided it's BS that we work 5 days a week and get 2 off. Let's get an initiative on the ballot to change the work week to 4 days and add quarterly breaks. Sigh....I wish...
  2. First hand observations mean a lot more. I witnessed (and had one come *real* close) several slides on a day where the danger was rated as "low." Luckily I knew better and was watching my ass in spite of the "low" danger.
  3. Check out integral designs. Their MK1 XL is *identical* in size to the i-tent, despite what the spec sheets on both say. It's also lighter, and uses velcro over that shitty clip that bibler uses for the poles. I think their vents are better designed too. Finally, they are a bit less expensive. All of this is why I went with the ID over a bibler.
  4. <insert something here> is so fucked up it looks like it was done by a blind spider monkey on crack. - some guy at my work
  5. I want to spray on this thread too, please. thanks, have a nice day.
  6. This is another reason why I, personally, think the coasts/cascades/sierras are a much better winter playground than the rockies et al for skiing. They yell all about their hero snow, but the fact is it's deadly, blows away easily and doesn't fall very often.
  7. Hehe...in this particular context, the "shit" means it is good. As for superfeet, I use them, i like them, but they are pricey. I bought 3 pairs when they were like 40% off at REI one time, so that's how I got around the price.
  8. I climbed, held a BBQ on the summit, then had my entire harum over for drinks on the blue glacier.
  9. Ouch ouch ouch ouch...those pictures hurt to look at. It does make for a good reminder though about going ahead of a partner in the winter. Standing around (esp. after sweaty) can suck BAD.
  10. milepost 162 thanks, dood. That's not too bad; the closure gate is at MP 170.
  11. In what way? warmth? or just ice climbing performance? I dunno buy the latter. Boots are clunky enough that I don't think a tiny little difference in insole is going to make a difference while front-pointing on crampons, esp. considering that places a very uneven stress on the bottom of the boot that is not a lot like walking.
  12. Hey, does anyone know what mile post wash. pass is at? Even though they might not have the highway open, if they plow a few miles in, you could save some time riding a bike up from the east side closure gate. I just wonder how far it would be.
  13. OK so maybe Dan is f.o.s., but there were obviously some people who cared about the topic enough to try and document whether or not there might be some truth to the record. If people aren't inteested does that give them the right to spray all over someone elses converstaion? Shouldn't they just try and ignore the topic and let those who care about it get on with whatever? Yes, you're right, it doesn't justify the spraying. For those who actually gullible enough to buy the "he might have the proof" story that thread should have been left alone. I was just saying what *I* would do...perhaps there is a reason I am not a moderator.
  14. I dunno, I don't think the moderation is too over the top really. i haven't seen much abuse. I guess the one "high profile" indicent recently was the rainer speed record post. I personally wouldn't have moderated it because I think it's more than clear Dan is full of shit, his record is bullshit, and he's also a borderline nut.
  15. 30% off really isn't that much for an end of season sale. You can pick stuff up 50% or more if you just look around a bit.
  16. Never a bad thing, but I do wonder if Gary's even seen an avalanche before?
  17. Yes, the *icicle* road is gated as eightmile as it always is in the winter, but that doesn't stop you from getting to the colchuck/stuart lake trailhead, as the road from there turns off a few feet before the gate. Last I was there, the colchuck/stuart lake road (called bridge creek road I think?) was *not* gated but you couldn't get that far up it due to a slide. I'd just plan on having to walk the entire 4 miles of the road to get to the trailhead. I wouldn't let it stop you. It's an easy 4 miles that only takes 1 1/2 hours up at a leisurly pace.
  18. Yeah, I agree at with this guy. But the no drinking this is a problem. Perhaps a ceedy (sp?) bar down on first then a nightcap at showgirls.
  19. No worries. You did the right thing. I've always taken that same approcah. If it looks scary, and I don't know how to explain it, I'm going somewhere else...
  20. Well, glide cracks will generally develop on certain types of terrain and slope angles. I dont see them often on 30 slopes, nor on slopes with decent tree anchors. I would agree that 45 degree slops over slabs is where you'd find the most danger, esp. when they result in climax avys, where the entire fuggin' thing lets go down to the ground.
  21. JoshK

    Daisy is banned

    Trask...I will never forgive you for that picture.
  22. I think this has been covered here before, but in short, yes, they work great for what they are. They aren't as good as sharp steel crampons in really hard snow or ice (obviously) but they sure are a hellavu lot better than nothing. I found I actually used these more than any other crampon I have this past summer.
  23. The stress of world politics is boiling over into the harmless spray on cc.com. Love each other.
  24. JoshK


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