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Everything posted by JoshK

  1. Yes, it's addictive. My roomate is across the hallway mesmerized by it as well. I still haven't come close to matching my 3959. I wonder if I'll ever retain my past glory!?
  2. 3959. THIRTY NINE FIFTY NINE. I doubt I'll be able to touch that for a while...
  3. 1747...I'm a geek...
  4. Yeah, I can imagine that really sucked Timmy. It was damn deep at Stevens too, but I imagine nothing like Crystal. 50"+ of completely unconsolidated light snow is a LOT
  5. Nyet. 7mm, 60m. light. Use as 2nd rope for rapels. Mostly I use it doubled for solo climbs that have little roped climbing. I tie figure eights in both. Carry very little gear, like 10 pieces. Rap off 100' or less. I tried it as an experiment and decided I like it. I would definately recommend twin 8.7's as a normal setup though. So where do you go about finding a 7mm dynamic rope?
  6. I'm always amazed when this argument comes up. Who cares! You're out there to have fun. What's the problem with waiting for your buddy to switch from ascent to descent. Big deal. Take in the scenery and enjoy yourself! Peace If you are out for a multi day traverse with lots of ups and downs, and trying to make good time, I bet you'd care
  7. Where ya going on sunday?
  8. damn boy, how many fridays in a row ya gonna skip before The Man begins asking the hard questions? Today was actually a paid ski day for our team
  9. Yeah, 9 hours each way...
  10. Crystal has gotten FIFTY inches in the past 48 hours. Rock it dude, it's gonna be awesome. I'm off to Stevens in about 10 minutes.
  11. LOL...yes, true true. I was just referring to that wonderful access in Canada as a whole Oh well...off to ski lotsa powder now.
  12. Yes, while it's a far cry to say canada's healthcare system is anywhere near perfect, it's true that the US system is a fucking joke. The fact that we live in a country that is responsible for a large % of medical breaktroughs, drug research, etc. and a person who doesn't make a lot isn't even guaranteed treament is just plain wrong. Doctors should most definitely be compensated well for their work. They work hard to get where they are, and work hard on the job. That doesn't mean, however, that the less fortunate should go without their help.
  13. Dude, you guys got the paved icefields parkway to the base off tons of awesome ice climbing! Donut complain!
  14. Congrats, Jens.
  15. How fast can you switch from the touring "mode" to full board? On trips where travel is more the goal rather than climb up, ski/board down, this can be quite a large use of time. AT it takes only seconds and tele it's already done.
  16. LOL. Yeah, Dave I and went back and forth on it all afternoon and came to the conclusion that 18 hours of driving (assuming the passes are in decent condition) for less climbing than that wasn't a good deal. We're heading up to banff for the last week of march, so we'll hit gib wall on the first day up there... Alas, I guess I'll just use the skiing weather for...skiing
  17. Who is doing some form of BC skiing this weekend? I'm sure some hardy souls are going to be out pilfering their favorite tree protected powder stashes...
  18. I will refer you again to the aforementioned howitzer. deer, anal flats locals, it's all the same...
  19. looks like near perfect conditions.. watch out for deer and shit on the hiway during the storms..... I have a howitzer mounted on my roof. It's dave's job to man that thing and keep the highway clear for me.
  20. Yeah, I saw that...so, I'm taking it from your post that anal flats is going to be mostly the same as cranbrook? I don't know the lay of the land so well in that area. It does look pretty good.
  21. So anybody want to guess how crappy the weather will be in anal flats given this current storm blowing through. On the one hand I dont really want to sit here on my ass this weekend. On the other I dont feel like battling 8 hours through snowy roads just to be getting dumped on while climbing and bail out.
  22. We ain't need no education system. bombs and missles are all we need!
  23. The entiat mountains area is absolutely awesome. Looks like so many great spring touring possibilities back there. Have any of you done north star? I was thinking of taking the long tour over spider gap and through the lyman lakes to do that. Looks like a fantastic ski.
  24. wdietsch, that chaos is a badass looking pack. Do you own the pack or know anybody who does? I'm curious how it carries with heavier loads since, as best I can tell, it doesn't use stays. thanks, -josh
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