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Everything posted by j_b
Socio-political change is non-linear. Changes occur fast when there are popular movements, so claiming that we only can hope for decades of rebuilding Democrats is ignorant at best.
You brought up Nader and nobody knows how his votes would have fallen or whether these people would have voted without him on the ballot.
More demonizing of Nader by the usual suspects. Gore won. It was a judicial coup based on electoral fraud (cue Catherine Harris and the disenfranchising of 10k's of voters). Democrats caved in and instantly proved that Nader was right about them.
Right now, without primary challenge of Obama, there is no changing of the Democratic party. Field a progressive candidate and hold Obama accountable and then we may be able to negotiate something.
3rd parties have influenced national politics over most of that period.
While the dead-enders rejoice at the lack of action by governments toward mediating climate change:
His hateful pandering to the neanderthal faction of Christianity only warrants derision. Your pretending otherwise is significant.
Isn't it edifying how those constantly posturing for "liberty" never have a problem with GOPers disenfranchising voters?
The Conservative Plan To End Inequality: Deny It
NAACP warns black and Hispanic Americans could lose right to vote The largest civil rights group in America, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), is petitioning the UN over what it sees as a concerted efforted to disenfranchise black and Latino voters ahead of next year's presidential election. The organisation will this week present evidence to the UN high commissioner on human rights of what it contends is a conscious attempt to "block the vote" on the part of state legislatures across the US. Next March the NAACP will send a delegation of legal experts to Geneva to enlist the support of the UN human rights council. The NAACP contends that the America in the throes of a consciously conceived and orchestrated move to strip black and other ethnic minority groups of the right to vote. William Barber, a member of the association's national board, said it was the "most vicious, co-ordinated and sinister attack to narrow participation in our democracy since the early 20th century". [..] The scale of the assault on voting rights is substantial, according to experts on electoral law. The Brennan Center for Justice, based at New York University law school, estimates that the new measures could bar as many as 5 million eligible voters from taking part in choosing the occupant of the White House next year. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/dec/05/civil-rights-naacp-voter-warning
There is hardly a minute of the day that Attila doesn't think of me. Either he wants me or he likes getting his ass kicked.
Doesn't 5K support state-workers' rights to collective bargaining? I thought I remember him at least arguing that state workers aren't the freeloading scumbags that other people on this site make them out to be. So he can't be ALL wrong, can he? Don't ALL of us berate other people who don't agree with what we say? I thought that was the game. One post among a thousand stating the opposite isn't worth considering. I'll berate what someone says based on its merits, not imagined characteristics of my interlocutor.
Actually, i'm pretty sure he's said as much to me before Well, it's not like anything KKK writes has any connection to reality so you shouldn't take it literally. Berating by any means possible those who say things he doesn't like is pretty much his entire purpose in spray.
Still smarting from Jim's utter annihilation of you yesterday, eh, j-bot? Only in your feeble mind.
Why would you do that? Disagree with the local sociopath and he'll drop straight to insults. He is nothing next to you in that department. Troll.
It's 4:20... it's that time. :brew: So, 4:20 is the end of the day in Jim's part of the private sector? Boy, after all the posturing about his work ethics that guy obviously works very hard
So, by that logic, are you proposing that liberal arts degreed individuals should be teaching the sciences...?? Wow... It depends on the course level. Teaching high school science isn't quite the same as teaching advanced science courses at a university. Pedagogical skills are probably more valuable than having an advanced science degree to teach basic science.
Precisely, which shows that trying to establish exact comparison isn't possible. At least, accounting for levels of education is better than just comparing mean wages in the private and public sector like the anti-public sector types have done.