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Everything posted by RuMR

  1. Hey...no justification necessary...stuff happens...good thing it was your shoulder not your head/neck/back...are you healed up???
  2. RuMR

    Tenaya Shoes

    I can't, other than BOREAL RUBBER SUX ASSEYES!!!!!!!!!! I like the thin ones better any way. [edit] wrong thread again, damn it![/edit] Listen dude...if you're gonna keep trying to pun, at least throw some shit in about the new ridges for "her pleasure" on the mad rock shoes...otherwise step off on another thread...
  3. RuMR

    Tenaya Shoes

    how can you say such a thing? me, skanky? pleeeZe Shit dude...after that diatribe about drinking a brewski listening to the stones (i think?) and NOT worrying about a wife hassling your shit, you went up about 10 levels on the esteem ladder...BUT you're still cheezy...HA!
  4. Yeah, ez stuff is NOT the stuff to tumble on...if you are gonna huck, it should be something that's steeeeeeeeep...
  5. RuMR

    Tenaya Shoes

    ha! You missed sucka!!!!
  6. RuMR

    Tenaya Shoes

    that depends Yeah...technically you could suck pink, right?? HAHAHHAHAHHAHA shit...now i'm getting all skanky like you...
  7. RuMR

    Tenaya Shoes

    That's not what trask thinks!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. 45 to 50 footer plus off of the top of Heinous Cling on an onsight attempt...not cool... couple of 35-40 footers up at Si...
  9. RuMR

    Tenaya Shoes

    Don't you know??? GIRLS ARE SPECIAL for reals, I have a realy narrow heal, and the slipage messes with my heal hook action, I am hoping that the girl mythos will solve that problem gotta second what muffy says...i have super skinny feet and they don't make a shoe that's tight enough in the heel that i've found. Actually lost a shoe on route once b/c it wasn't tight enough. awww that's bs...you didn't have the shoes tight enuff in the first place... Have you tried ninjas? They are pretty slim...and those new katanas (by sportsuck) are pretty narrow as are the lace up anazasis...
  10. RuMR

    Tenaya Shoes

    Can you actually tell the difference in rubbers? I can't at all...its just more marketing bs... But for the chickas...i heard 5.10 is coming out w/ a new hot pink super sticky shiznet for the steph davis specials...
  11. RuMR

    Tenaya Shoes

    oh..boreal...now that's some choice SHIT! Are the sheep easier to catch in boreal flyers, erik???? B A W A H A H A
  12. RuMR

    Tenaya Shoes

    Sheep f'er!!! Hey, you at index this weekend?
  13. RuMR

    Tenaya Shoes

    HA!...I've climbed my best in frilly pink shoes!!!!!!!! Or I've been at my best in/with pink? Oh crap, i'm confused...ohwell...
  14. RuMR

    Tenaya Shoes

    HAHAHAHA... You should check those tenaya shoes out...they are like 65 bux...you can't beat that!!!!!!
  15. RuMR

    Tenaya Shoes

    Don't you know??? GIRLS ARE SPECIAL for reals, I have a realy narrow heal, and it messes with my heal hook action, I am hoping that the girl mythos will solve that problem Oh yeah, they are "special" And, for this year, we are pleased to anounce the new XY model. we will be offering it in a pleasant mauve to compliment your sport bra; additionally, for those climbing above the mediteranean we are also offering a pale blue frilly color so as not to conflict w/ the natural scenery...BAWAHAHAHAA
  16. RuMR

    Tenaya Shoes

    That's closer to the topic at hand!!!!!! My guess...other companies are wising up to the fact that climbing shoes are about half as hard to build as a running shoe and they are charging 2 to 2 1/2 times as much...there's gonna be a revolution in pricing...my prediction...
  17. RuMR

    Tenaya Shoes

    And that's another thing...wtf is up w/ a "girls" model? does it have built in underwire support or something??? I mean, you size shoes wicked ass tight and then stretch them to fit...Presto, it fits your foot male or female... Marketing gimmick...ever notice top chicka climbers are in the best shoes that are not gender specific????
  18. RuMR

    Tenaya Shoes

    Thread drift... This needs to be moved under "Sportivas do they stink or suck?"
  19. RuMR

    Tenaya Shoes

    Seriously....back to the topic at hand...they look very similar to Sportiva Miuras/5.10 Anazasis (basically same shoe in my book; although the Miuras better built)...but they are HALF the cost... anybody used them yet???
  20. RuMR

    Tenaya Shoes

    Umm...that would be me...
  21. RuMR

    Tenaya Shoes

    where ya at, sheep f'er???
  22. RuMR

    Tenaya Shoes

    Right here, biatch... Sportiva's always grow that sick ass smelly slime in them....foot fungus farms... My shoes usually go through 3 - 4 resoles easily...plus, they are synthetic so you huck them in the washing machine and they come out brand spanking new...throw a pair of sporto's in there and they come out in 50 pieces of shit...
  23. RuMR

    Tenaya Shoes

    YOU suck I suck...but not nearly as bad as if i had those sportiva clod hoppers on... HAHAHAHAHa sucka...
  24. RuMR

    Tenaya Shoes

    Suck it...sportiva's are merely detuned 5.10's...bawahahahaha
  25. RuMR

    Tenaya Shoes

    sportiva sux
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