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Everything posted by RuMR

  1. RuMR


    hey kevtard...please find post of where i've stated a grade of a route i've climbed publicly...and pm's don't count...my son is another matter though as i am totally spraying about that...but hey, he's just a kid and frankly, he's killing it... have fun searchin'
  2. RuMR


  3. RuMR


    nah...Kevbone is like a gateway drug...i'm stepping my game up to that asshat, summitchaser...
  4. RuMR


    its too easy...i get bored at work, find the latest Kevboned post and procede to rip...
  5. RuMR


    what's up there oh master of sucking... Is that why people call you the raspberry-boi???
  6. also, consider leaving chunks of chains with a quicklink at eac bolt...not as unsightly as fixed tat and easy to swap out a single biner after too much wear than to go up and replace whole draws...
  7. nah, that route is obviously dead vert!
  8. RuMR

    Hey Rudy

    maybed next time you give Ivan a hummer, use a kneepad?
  9. RuMR

    Hey Rudy

    i dunno...i've never hurt my knee, but i'd suggest losing thirty pounds to lighten the load, tubby...
  10. I think i'd just rope lasso that large, white chicken head and use that!
  11. yeah...hell, it took a year and a half of beating on KevTard to get him to come around...and shoot, pink is still a punkbitch!
  12. dude...that one is hot!! like the tight chest with enough curves...
  13. We don't "bully out" anyone here. What we do is mete out the necessary comeuppance upon those who show up here strutting about like a fucking peacock and behaving like a douchebag. You fit that bill perfectly. Now, if you want this haranguing to stop, then quit acting like such a douchebag every time you post. No one wants to hear about your FA/FFAs that aren't, your snide remarks to someone that you don't know from Adam and who has lost valuable gear, and the many other juvenile and snarky comments you make here. Get a fucking clue, grow up, and quit being a douchebag, ferchrissakes. .... and if I might add: welcome to the site. It will all even out soon, don't sweat it, most of us are Douchebags too, but we just got tired of calling each other that cause we've been here for a while. Seriously. fuggoff Douchebag!
  14. We don't "bully out" anyone here. What we do is mete out the necessary comeuppance upon those who show up here strutting about like a fucking peacock and behaving like a douchebag. You fit that bill perfectly. Now, if you want this haranguing to stop, then quit acting like such a douchebag every time you post. No one wants to hear about your FA/FFAs that aren't, your snide remarks to someone that you don't know from Adam and who has lost valuable gear, and the many other juvenile and snarky comments you make here. Get a fucking clue, grow up, and quit being a douchebag, ferchrissakes. D A M N.... i just snorted beer out of my nostrils laughing at that one....holy shit, sobo...don't kill the guy..
  15. hahahahaha
  16. I'm surprised your three functioning neurons managed even that little feat in that amount of time...truly stunning!
  17. deal...Offwhite, how much $$$ to delete this thread? KKK will pick up the tab...
  18. please post directions to said crag...
  19. promise?
  20. what decision are you talking about?
  21. Hey, I get it. That's funny. so, did your daddy mention to you that you weren't the sharpest spoon in the drawer yet?
  22. damn...that means there is two independent gene lines running around out there...
  23. SummitChaser...any chance you have a cousin/brother by the name of Kev?
  24. lowpoint, Just a suggestion, but from now on, i'd just try dropping the rating when you talk about climbing... you strike me as someone who's relatively new to climbing, yet uber-stoked and your comments are getting misinterpreted...
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