We don't "bully out" anyone here. What we do is mete out the necessary comeuppance upon those who show up here strutting about like a fucking peacock and behaving like a douchebag. You fit that bill perfectly.
Now, if you want this haranguing to stop, then quit acting like such a douchebag every time you post. No one wants to hear about your FA/FFAs that aren't, your snide remarks to someone that you don't know from Adam and who has lost valuable gear, and the many other juvenile and snarky comments you make here. Get a fucking clue, grow up, and quit being a douchebag, ferchrissakes.
.... and if I might add: welcome to the site. It will all even out soon, don't sweat it, most of us are Douchebags too, but we just got tired of calling each other that cause we've been here for a while.
fuggoff Douchebag!