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Everything posted by RuMR

  1. RuMR

    My weekend rant.

    ...you left out the part about RURP seams being where you rest the best, but i digress...
  2. my guess is that summitchaser is relatively new to climbing (~maybe 2 years??), progressing through the grades, and is uberstoked on climbing to the point of being a dork... not that that's bad or anything like that...
  3. post video!
  4. I think Kevbone may have just met his match against Summitchaser....
  5. marc/tamara...did you two make that???? Drew is laughing his rearend off right now...
  6. and ten stars!
  7. my kid is laughing his butt off...
  8. hahahaha...that is AWESOME!!!!!!
  9. Sounds good. I'll give you a shout when i get back. I'm sure he can hang the draws on my projects. Thanks Tim...Gimme a call when you get in...
  10. its not a valid poll then...
  11. you left off 5.10+ and v1+
  12. are you serious??????????
  13. why don't you do a poll and then you'll feel all warm and fuzzy and accomplished??
  14. no...its solid 5.11...the *guidebook* says SO!
  15. But it's definitive when you say the guide is wrong? my bad...you are right...every guidebook is always right on everything...its not a guide, its a MANUAL and its printed in BLACK AND WHITE... I'm telling you my opinion of what that route should be graded and most people that climb that route agree with me... feel free to continue to rate it how you feel appropriate and i will continue to laugh at you...
  16. oh he's got his nut rack going!
  17. there is nothing "definitive" about a guide...
  18. Just annoyed but want to point out that thin fingers is basically low - mid 5.10 with a v1-v2 move off a ledge... Index Guide hmmm...what is that supposed to mean? you can kid yourself that thin fingers is anything but a 5.10 with a small boulder problem off of a no-hands rest.. technically, a V1+-V2 move is 5.11- so the V rating is actually a better description of that particular route than a 5.11 rating...
  19. Just annoyed but want to point out that thin fingers is basically low - mid 5.10 with a v1-v2 move off a ledge...
  20. but what kind of 5.12? Cracks, thin face, offwidths, pockets, overhanging tufa? You must stick with apples to apples and oranges to oranges...
  21. i think the Vrating totally applies...don't forget that there are many many different styles of climbing and just because you suck at one style, it doesn't mean that the rating doesn't apply... I know kids that can climb steep steep shit in the V7-V9 range very handily that will struggle on a 5.11 crack climb because, hold on and open your mind here, they DON'T KNOW HOW TO CRACK CLIMB...duh...give them a week in cracks and they will tell you that Japanese Gardens has maybe a v2+ section...which corresponds to 5.11-ish, right?
  22. RuMR

    My weekend rant.

    modified american death triangle!
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