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Everything posted by RuMR

  1. I would check with summitchaser as he's the most knowledgeable guy around these here parts for first ascent know-how!
  2. here, I'll translate for you: he said: "You are still a douchebag" Clear 'nuff?
  3. i hear summitwanker's been puttin' in the raddies up at index...might try some of that, yo!
  4. do you even climb anymore???
  5. dude...that sucks
  6. RuMR


    We need to build VRBCO.com that would be Vacation Rentals by Climber-Owners.com.... Seriously, it would be awesome to get a website for trading climbing residences around the country and world...
  7. Rad, if its what i think it is, i know the guy trying to put it up...i doubt you will think its overbolted...
  8. concur
  9. horse...what thread?
  10. won't be long until she's leading trad and sport...
  11. TR would definitely change the character...
  12. Good times...tough times...This one will take a little more effort! Thanks for filming! Cheers, Rudy
  13. RuMR


    he's coming sunday...hopefully the scrape heals up...he's psyched...told me he was going to skip the piece right after the lightning bolt...i told him i'll put it in and its his choice what to do...
  14. RuMR


    is it rainy/wet right now? wallstein, are you out there?
  15. checked today...didn't see them...
  16. ...or the mailman did...
  17. Evolv Defys Please PM if found...
  18. Evolv Defys
  19. Please PM if found.
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