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Everything posted by RuMR

  1. no...you took Dane's bait...hell, i haven't been on here in awhile and i couldn't figure out who he was torquing out over...it wasn't until you rose from the depths and swallowed the bait hook line and sinker that i figured out it was you... think of it this way, if you hadn't said anything, a lot of folks woulda wondered what the old goat was fuming over and would've even yanked his chain a bit...instead, you painted a big fat bullzeye on your ass and wiggled it at these guys...
  2. there's a ton of climbers here that are low key AND bad ass... seriously Colin Bartholemew, give it a rest...just let it go and forget about this place for a bit...and when you post, be low key...humor is good but right now the mood is black...
  3. you are not Colin...not yet...you may one day become that, but you ain't there yet...
  4. dude...seriously, take a break from posting...go climb or go skiing, just take a break from this place...if you must, post a pic or something (no vids please) and don't say anything, turn the other cheek...you shoot some good stuff, but quit posting... Fred, DRep, Dane, all of these guys railing you, they have like tens of years or more apiece climbing, with gumbies and high caliber climbers both (some of them are very skilled in many aspects of climbing)... You are not open game, but your posts have become that...
  5. hmmm...fred's not a fag...
  6. nice pics by the way...
  7. there...fixed that for you...you talk to much about yourself...if you need answers to questions, ask...otherwise, post a tr in the tr sections and don't respond unless a question is asked...
  8. RuMR

    for Dru...

    Merry Christmas, ya canapunk...
  9. that's right sucka...there's teenagers (and preteens) hiking the hardest stuff around...
  10. ...not true...
  11. And you seem to be deaf. Sorry for me? What you wrote above is SAD! Got a problem with having principles???? By the way, change doesn't automatically = "progress" or "good". The average backpacker starting at least 30 years ago, if not well before, has had a far clearer understanding of outdoor ethics than the typical modern sport climber. How many other outdoor sports find it perfectly legitimate to add stuff and leave stuff, e.g. bolts and quick-draws? The clean-climbing revolution was overwhelmed by the safety, short learning-curve and convenience of sport-climbing. Proud of yourself? And you know them all, eh? And you also find yourself comfortable defining who is a "REAL" climber, too? Do you issue a certificate? I shake my head in wonder and dismay. I read all of yours. They didn't say much. more than yours...
  12. Producing each Sharma today requires a base of about 200,000 5.11 climbers who will never touch an ice screw or a piece of pro and who would piss on themselves at the prospect of being handed a rack at the base of your average old school 5.7. Progress? I guess so, if you ignore the overall demographics and get heavily into hero worship. :lmao:joseph, you are so full of shit it's laughable... kids these days, gym trained and beast strong, have absolutely no issue hiking trad routes...let's just be clear about that...
  13. dwanus wouldn't be able to access most of the stuff hanging up there...
  14. RuMR

    I'm freeing city park

    brown nozer...
  15. RuMR

    I'm freeing city park

    typical aid gear? hahahahaha you can throw nuts at it from 15 feet away and they'll stick...hahahaha
  16. i have no problem with a suit against the parents...but the girl? WTF...she's 4!!!!!! Judge is a fucking tool, and a dumb ass to boot...
  17. WTF!?!
  18. not everything needs to be sanitized, why is that "irresponsible"????? WTF?? The one thing that does chap my hide though, is putting up a ballsy route AFTER toproping it...that's weak sauce and a second ascent is on uneven footing as the FA...if you are too weak to lead ground up, then make it safe...OTW GO FOR IT!
  19. Drew just watched that...he's P S Y C H E D (not on the butt thing though )
  20. RuMR

    Brief TR....

    Did the Grand with Drewster and Bhops on Saturday as a kickoff to the fall...Awesome route and a great adventure to do with my little boy... As a side note, Eric was below us and provided good company at the ledges and great pics! also got to see Dberdinka climbing some aid route adjacent to us...Good times even though he tried to splatter us with rockfall!! Man, my kids rock...i'm just digging doing stuff like this with them!!!
  21. Spraying in a non-spray forum....moderators. pot kettle black...
  22. i already said that, dumbass
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