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Everything posted by scott_harpell

  1. there
  2. apparently your education stoped there.
  3. no. i bouldered when i was 3 on the jungle gym. ask that guy
  4. Alpinfox.... went to see Jane Goodall's "Wild Chimpanzees" at the Imax theatre... It d!!! And shit you people were busy spraying last night!! shit yah! just got off of class and had to take my aggression out on someone.
  5. later g. if'n ya wanna pawn off that pack lemme know.
  6. ya pretentious fuck!
  7. those were the best fuckin' part!
  8. that and beck looks like shit even when he tries. at least gorts dont give a fuck. at least he is out there. where are your mixed TR pics beck?
  9. YEP I have actualy heard this ( or something akin) or read it somewhere before...prolly here bull shit... enlightenment means leaving the rope in the car.
  10. dont mind him... he is old skewl
  11. Only his hair is longer and greasier! and gollum wouldn't be caught dead in those dumb-ass glasses that beck wears everywhere.
  12. how ya gonna get that through your belay device there cheif i have yet so see any picture of you climbing ass clown. you look like gollum so i doubt your story about teh 2 chickas, but them hating you certainly seems like a distinct possibility.
  13. scott_harpell


    9 hour saturday classes.
  14. c'mon up and find out fur real gotta get you and homeboy up here and do some heavy drinking.
  15. because they aren't with me.
  16. Unless you are trying to pick up women... that depends... if you are at pike's you are a sure hit!
  17. not true for all people. i climb harder on lead than on TR... mainly cause i dont give a shit about actually doing the climb. it is a mental thing. i get all psyched on lead and am just 'going thru the motions' on TR. but i am sure i am the exception rather than the rule.
  18. The one on the left is just wrong MattP Allison and AlpineK
  19. trying to figure out media always end with trying to decide the lesser of the evils. it is all bullshit. ignorance is bliss. savvy?
  20. back to the vodka!!!
  21. so why don't you? why don't you get on your knees and suck my dick? cause then you wouldn't respect her.
  22. finally the voice of reason... and it is trask.
  23. almost as good as the music to vodka thread.!
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