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Everything posted by scott_harpell

  1. Dru!
  2. holy shit!
  3. protestant hunting?
  4. touche besides has anyone ever exactly defined "third base" as a euphamism? at my school? holding hands.
  5. Survey says: GAY! Cracked, you're like 18 or 19, right? Made it past 3rd base without soiling your underware yet? gotta agree... she looks like a scary clown to me. they should re-do IT staring Pamela Anderson scary
  6. i said the DL said that... not that the DL was hindu dumbass... i have read books of his in two different languages. i think i could ascertain his religion of choice (if not by the dope ass robe) by reading his philosophy. cya later Dru, you can have your semantic piss-match with someone else.
  7. damn! i think i got my limit.you want this one PP?
  8. shit! that one's kickin still! quick! put a slug in it!
  9. shit! what is the limit on these things? cant even reload in time to shoot all of em! like fish in a barrel!
  10. \ but loses 75 for having horrible taste.
  11. better fill out your doe tag now... just to be sure...
  12. theoretically, but consider ingredients... potato will never hold up to premium distilled grains.
  13. and some of this...
  14. try manitoba, quantic and bonobo.
  15. ne eh... they are in a jar in the wifey's drawer.
  16. yeah just ask bruce cockburn...
  17. i gotta put my plug in for 'flagship' vodka. i met the owner on the actual flagship on the Volga.
  18. i guess they should have told them where the geurillas were.
  19. different kind. i have a bottle here in my hand of diplomat. seems like a popular brand name. i cannot stand the vodka here. are there any good places to stock up on some white lightning? i know there are russian stores in seattle, but i haven't seen many in canada.
  20. I was drinking some last night there, Comrade You had this stuff??? that is made in israel.
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