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Everything posted by scott_harpell

  1. 1953 becky piton?
  2. i dont have a drinking problem unless "i dont have a drink in my hand"
  3. well i am a fansastic customer. they are losing out on a lot of money. as for the word. frankly ma'dear, i just dont give a damn.
  4. ditto.
  5. no doubt... you are looking at 40 lb. knockers... that leaves 90 lbs. never seen that specimin in the wild
  6. scott_harpell


    you could get kicked out of your bible school for that haha i just wrote an article for the paper there about that and guess what? it got censored. faqin fascists!
  7. are you serious? i you wanna wait for 6-18 months to get 'free' surgery be my guest. i'd rather pay the $$$ and get good service before i die or my arm falls off thanks.
  8. not true. i bought booze yesterday and bitch said i needed a second form of I.D. i told her to fuck herself with the vodka bottle and tell her boss why they were out the $$$. cunt.
  9. the pic i took of E-rock in cabo! how did i know that pic would leak sooner or later. trask begged me for that pic for days. it is true, you can trust no-one
  10. scott_harpell


    i like boys too. call me E
  11. Hope you never need a rescue...most "stupid" rescue teams use the bowline equally if not more than the fig 8 thta prolly has to do with the high loads there prolly eh cheif? not the brightest crayon in teh box now are we?
  12. scott_harpell

    Cougar Power

  13. and you punters thought you were hard core... when those scottish mothers do that, then i will be impressed.
  14. i was assuming you were cutting and pasting. given the state of your fetal alcoholism, i was guessing an easy cut and paste job would take you about 6 hours.
  15. shit. you really must be unemployed. how long did that take?
  16. wanna do some more research for another 30 years until you are fucked in the bunghole and then finally do something about the situation? raaaahght. what we need is a pre-emptive strike!!!!!!! bwa ah ah ahhah ahah! rooooah hah hah hah ha
  17. wanna do some more research for another 30 years until you are fucked in the bunghole and then finally do something about the situation? raaaahght.
  18. good on ya mate!
  19. My ideal plan would be to add that tax, and have the funds from that tax go specifically for green-energy research. Unfortunately with our current politians, I ain't holding my breath. fuck research, just put in a light rail and double the gas tax. fewer people drive. slowly make it more unafordable to drive. that is as green as it gets. research doesn't mean shit unless it is practical. i see all this theoretical bullshit out there. lets do something real like make it cost $$$ to pollute. big business, big cars and the like. dont need research to do that.
  20. yeh when it is sunny adn i am riding my bike i beat my roomate to school while he shits bricks driving to school for 20 minutes for only 5 miles.
  21. but i beat you there.
  22. hahha shit! works ev'ry time!
  23. public transit kicks ass! i use it everyday is is raining. saves so much agitation by shitty traffic , constructions, seeing SUV and flipping them off, and generally just nice to meet some nice meth-freaks. trippay!
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