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Everything posted by ivan

  1. joshk threw his climbing boots into the raging torrent of the north fork of bridge creek, right under the awful eye of goode (dude) - when he tried to hint that maybe he couldnt' do the climb anymore, i harrangued him until he decided to do the whole thing in his tennis shoes - does that count? oh yeah, we smoked a pack of cigs each on the hike in on day 1, generally while we were walking - how many points does that get?
  2. hey, i used to live in stuttgart - lemme see if i can remember - umm....one has a gaint mercedes-benz ninja-star emblem on a 5000 foot high tower down-town and the other doesn't? charlie don't surf
  3. voltaire = the arch-type defender of spray
  4. i dunno, but that's a very kewl anchor!
  5. once i had to bivy w/o cigarettes - or whiskey - and there were bugs - i can't remember much else but it was horrible
  6. layton broke both feet in the desert and crawled/walked out - but at least he didn't have to cut off his arm i seem to recall he had to fly back to pdx before getting any treatment too
  7. but being dead (and french) do tell heavily against him...
  8. voltaire would have loved all of you motherfuckers.
  9. i like money
  10. ah, okay - bad assumption on my part. yeah, they basically all work and are all pretty safe, avy wise - they do rain down ice chunks when too warm/windy. if you're looking to do somethign other than the main s side route (whicht he dk route only deviats from for a very short time) i'd recommend luetholds coulior or the reid headwall or, if you're willing to do the n side approach, the cooper spur as they're all much cooler.
  11. Considering that Obamalama is basically continuing Bush's policies in Iraq and Afghanistan, yes, he is thinking "Mission Accomplished" he probably thinks of it more like "mission accomplishing" though
  12. ? the route starts in the devils kitchen, eh? you know, large smoking fumarole on right as you approach the hogsback? from that little bowl, pick a line up to the summit ridge and get after it! i'm assuming you've been up the south side route before?
  13. it annoys me too - most especially the total high-school re-enactment of who's cool/who's not when one party stands, the other sits - the whole thing is like gay-church i reckon - oh the pageantry!
  14. free smooches for the first 100 fashionable ladies in the door!
  15. more like a 14 year old female. exactly - and lemme say, as a teacher, i'll wade into a fight between guys w/o hesitation, but when the ladies are letting fly, i find it better to watch the action for a moment and choose the right moment to intervene, usually after each combatant is trapped in a fatal hair-lock by the other
  16. you said bush? and think?
  17. my love for you is like a truck beserker would you like some making fuck beserker?
  18. i was going to post my reform ideas, but then decided to shoot some smack instead ...
  19. "i have...uh...barack-ed you!"
  20. am i crazy or has he not even GIVEN the goddamn speech yet?
  21. josh, i know you and i'm kinda suprised - have you forgotten the cardinal rule of arguing w/ fools (and drunks?) dude, edit that shit out before they go and ban-inate you, which would be like, lettign them win!
  22. cc.com roadtrip to calif, post signing?
  23. you could pm colin - he did it recently i recall
  24. spending your stimulus check on hookers (but not blow) would stimulate the american economy though trickle down man - share the wealth!
  25. dunno - i can recall sitting in a parked car before and feeling like we were going waaaaaay too fast
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