Ivan, I do not know what is best though.
My first aided attempt (but w/out Fifi) was a failure when I got on the bolted ladder on Monkey face and had to leave all my 17 quickdraws on it.
BTW, I wonder if they are still up there and if someone some time in the future will be climbing the Pioneer route, please, please clean them up and return them to me.
I will also post this to LOST and FOUND!
funny, i stood in line on that bolt line last spring and watched as the team before me snatched up 17 some odd such left draws!
aid climbing's actually retard-easy (thus, the attraction for me), certainly easier than high-end sport climbing - there's plenty of room for stylistic variation, but i can't live w/o my fifi, even on free climbs - some folks don't use'em much though - learning to solo aid climb in particuliar is fun b/c then you don't have to sit around waiting for anything
go back to the monkey for revenge - that bolt ladder requires no etriers, just a fifi and towards the top a few extended draws work fine as stirrups.