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Everything posted by ivan

  1. i disagree - the Good Book clearly states our Dear Lord and Savior could walk on water - certainly then he must be a fucking force to reckon with on ice then - his buddy moses was a known mountain climber too to stay on topic, evidence clearly shows having drive and determination can allow you to do fuck all anything - look at joe simpson (atheist pig that he is) - if you Believe, you can't be killed!
  2. don't know about climbing, but jesus appears to have the miraculous ability to trim my most erudite comments on the subject out of this Very Important Thread how was the thread about the Invisible Dude in the Bathrobe not spray to start?
  3. ivan


    that's aid climbers, but by late afternoon they've usally gotten too high to forget they don't drink and start breaking into frankly any booze that can be found
  4. the only folks scratching their heads are fools like you who were never on homeboy's side to begin w/ and in fact want nothing more than to see him fall flat on is face, no matter what it takes, even if collectively the whole country goes down the sitter in the process was it a break from tradition? sure - but it was dipshit tradition to begin with - pretend to play all nice and ignore the cocksuckers who are working hard to make the world a worse place? no thanks. hey check it out - the sou hasn't always been this way- everyone from jefferson to wilson just wrote it down. traditions change.
  5. i am only an atheist when i'm not under a serac
  6. sure - it's called "the jerry springer show" - you'd like it - has kind of a roving moderator - he really encourages the crowd to become involved in the discussion
  7. poor n' fat is still better than poor n' hungry do read "the worst hard time" though - crazy shit - it's about the dustbowl - months on end without seeing the sun, homes literally buried by blowing sand, nearly every infant dying of "dust pnuemonia", people no longer able to shake hands b/c of all the static electricity in the air, not a blade of grass to be seen for years, livestock reduced to eating fence-posts they could excavate from under-sand the fact that poor people can be fat and hopelessly disconnected from everythign via tv and a host of wireless devices that bring them comfort, if not enligthenment, is clearly part of the problem but there's no way its worse today than in the depression
  8. read "the worst hard time" - holy shit! nothing today even remotely compares to that.
  9. do you think nearly this many fat-fucks were rolling around in the 30s?
  10. yeah, roudn the time i started climbing/doing stupd long hikes i got a recording of seamus heanney reciting his translation and it stuck - not the whole thing yet unfortunately, but enough to cover the snow creek lot to the base of the base of the wall
  11. nope - stopped reading fiction largely in college, 'roudn the same time i read catcher to see what all the historical fuss was about my main memory of the book was that it seemed the oldest book i'd read to use so many dirty, dirty words that and "stupid jerks"
  12. same day as howard zinn eh? i'm sure you're a fan of him too kk i never have understand why folks dig on catcher - if ever a fictional character needed to lick sack, holden was he!
  13. why do i feel like i'm witnessing a car accident in slow motion?
  14. i wouldn't worry about it beforehand homeboy - you get up by crater rock, then go whichever way looks the easiest, which in all likelihood will be the way off left of the hogsback better yet though, do luetholds - you'll have none of the crowds and see a far kewler side of the hill - just don't turn too early and wander up the reid headwall, and take a second tool so you can thoroughly enjoy yourself! coming back down the s side is no problem - just face in and bomb down!
  15. i noticed this particularily at the start of the speech - he went at least 5 minutes of the top w/o interuption - brilliant - he also talked over a lot of clapping so as to get them to stfu i just wish that talk could actually turn into more than a rare pleasant hour of television and political theater - at this point i have no idea what i could even see to convince me things are changing
  16. indeed - prick tease!
  17. ivan


    hypothetically they go back, and replace each power-drilled bolt w/ a hand-drilled bolt will this stop the bitching?
  18. great speech, but then that hasn't been the problem w/ this one loved seeing the court put in the spotlight briefly, as well as the joint chiefs a little later on liked the almost informal nature of the speeech - he was calling folks out, just wish there was a bit more of a knife in what he said to them - "let's be clear america, take a look at these sad-sack sorry-ass motherfuckers - do you see them? these are the folks who have to fuck with everything - these are the people you need to be having a chat w/" as for the rebuttal, it was kinda like following hte superbowl up w/ a peewee football game - the production quality alone looked like total shit - hey, we're gonna do things jus tliek the big guy, just shittier and cornier "we can't keep spendign money the way we have been!" uh, wtf? when you clowns took the conch back in 2000 we were in surplus, then you proceeded to spend it all on coke n' whores n' new-edible panties for your secretaries, and we're to blame?
  19. mid BASE jump?
  20. i agree its not much of a comparision the further creationof such routes would be a disaster i agree this particuliar one however would not, nor will it trash the experience for generations to come - it takes a lot more than a few score bolts to fuck up a big ass wilderness, and we all know, in time, w/ the passing of man that this mtn will virtually instantaneously revert to a pristine state
  21. there's already a pretty good # of ex-cops/ex-military in the field - to my expereince, they're generally better than fresh-blood out of college, but they can still suck (had an awful ex-usaf major for my own senior english class) my cop friend tim rawks - not a rule crazy prick (can't imagien why he didn't like being a cop ), very eager to learn the trade, didnt' give a shit if you liked to smoke dope provided you were good at your work, friendly as hell, etc. sure do miss teaching w/ that dude, but a man can't stay in ole'virginia fo'ever!
  22. ivan


    this guy n' his pigs could do wonders for the spray-o-verse
  23. my last printer i took over to my ex-cop, current-teacher colleagues house - there it met its just reward w/ a good 30 minute of small arms fire - buckshot, solid shot, 9 mm rounds, etc, etc. - yeah, it won't betray me again
  24. how else did FDR keep winning re-election w/o the power of positive thought? wasn't like shit had gotten better by '36 or '40.
  25. if it does it will really put a damper on my plan to scare the sheeeet out of myself on bubba's again. lets just hope that the falcons at smiff will nest somewhere on mendenhall ridge - barely anyone goes over there anyway... shit dood, we didn't even get to the scary part on that trip though, for the 2nd, you did see the worst part...
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