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Everything posted by ivan

  1. it they saw the light and went and cleaned it up themselves, i'd say they were doing the right thing however, though i haven't climbed the route, it's in and its pretty popular and would get re-installed by hand likely by its devotees if chopped, which can only do more harm to the rock - so let it alone and no more power-drilling in this wilderness area i don't see the sense in a bolt war being fought over it reasonable enough dialouge, herr jones?
  2. this happened the summer i first read thompson no less! regretably no smoking was allowed indoors to add to the surreal-ness, the bride and her entire family were muslims, w/ complete beekeeper suit get-ups, which had a disastrous effect on the provisions of booze
  3. all threads related to infinte bitching should be connected to the pictures of housecats thread, w/ the understanding that one more posting about IB means the kitties have to take it in the ass!
  4. i'd be too afeared some gripped n' bearded mountie, petrified by the lack of dependable pro, would try to girth-hitch my johnson, man
  5. ivan


    i was just thinking it woudl be agreat fund-raiser for the cc.com Man to create little stuff toys of all the major personalites here w/ one of those old pull-tabs in the back and their stock-lines recorded on-board then i thought it would be too much goddamn work to concieve of it all and quit whatever tvash's ended up as, it'd have to have "edit" at the end of it though fo'shizzle
  6. nope, but i did eat antelope with the dinner that night (rich fucking yuppies!) which may have effected my senses somewhat unfortunately, i don't think i fazed him a bit - he seemed far too self-absorbed to notice any of the peons sitting about him...which is good, b/c that meant he didn't notice any peculiar smells when my crew wandered back in from the parking lot
  7. baseball is boring it's more exciting when you're the one actually trying to hit the 90 mph fastball, or catch the 385 foot shot to dead-center...adn you've had 10 tabs of sunshine-acid
  8. it occurs to me pp - if you put stock in the opinion of americans, what do you make of the fact that amerikkka has clearly turned its back on baseball as the national pasttime?
  9. ivan

    North Face

    cue picture of hot-fiancee climbing hotel room
  10. padding sure is nice in winter though...as is a built in coffee holder
  11. ivan

    North Face

    A hot girl not nearly as hot as the girl lying down with me watching the movie though.... wait...minx goes to canada?
  12. ivan

    North Face

    not nearly as hot as the girl lying down with me watching the movie though.... i'm afraid you'll have to introduce photgraphic evidence to back up this assertion, preferably for the moment in question
  13. one of the funniest nights of my life was the wedding reception where my best friend, the groom, specifically told the party planner "whatever you do, don't sit oliver north and his wife next to my dipshit friend," which, perhaps b/c she spoke a native and heathen tongue, she interpreted as "dude - totally sit my dipshit friend across from ollie north, and be sure to have plenty of booze before him too!" fwiw, his wife seemed far more a dark lord to me than the human lung
  14. ivan


    i somehow doubt that you haven't read "the prince"
  15. ivan


    trying to ascribe a poltiical label to master pink is a fool's errand, senor
  16. ivan


    nobody makes me bleed my own blood "can somebody please catch a fucking ball? you look like a bunch of retards trying to hump a door-knob!"
  17. ivan


    you guys would be great dodge-ball players
  18. the one n' only time i ws n the nhood and climbed it (solo) was the day a couple years back that that fucking horse broke it's leg in the preakness and had to get shot on the fucking track, leg all in a thousand fucking pieces - i was rather comfortably numb at the tim ei recall, damn near barely walk w/o falling over in a giggle-fit and remember not being able to get the fucking image of the whole fucking disaster oughta my cerebellum the whoel time i was actually crawling up the thing in me boots, stepping over girlfriends n' thier gumbies other than that though it was great soloing the improbable traverse is much kewler
  19. the actual climb of the peak though is a tiny fraction of the c2c - you spend far more time running there and back! so you're record has practiclly nothing to do w/ the ability to clambe rup 5.easy w/ alacrity
  20. spraying about solo times on das toof-wand is much like spraying about how fast you can jerk-off - not to knock either activity, mind you
  21. what if i don't trust amerikkkans?
  22. i'm pretty certain the group can't provide further advice until you give us the link to the website n' picture
  23. you sure you hadn't pre-applied a lubricant?
  24. this debate would be a whole lot cooler if there were a few retarded chimps throwing demented blops of their own excremetn against the wall every couple of minutes
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